odyssea MH any good?


i dont know, all you hear on these boards is you have to have patients for this hobby, why cant you have patients when ordering equip. if it takes you x amount of months to buy odyssea then figure in another x amount of months for orbits or something. and as far as softies go. you can have them under reg pc's, I dont have enough for halides yet, but when I do I am not buying odyssea, plus you can get really nice pc's for a good deal. I happen to really like the orbits. and when I go halide ill either add coralife aqualight pendants or go with an outer orbit system. both not top of the line but have decent quality and customer support behind them. but diffrent strokes for diffrent folks i guess.


Active Member
i dont know if patients in the problem. I think spending $600 bucks for lighting is the problem. Not everyone can afford that large of an investment.
the orbits sound nice just because of the price, but i think i do want to go for something better jsut in case. It will take a looooong time to be able to get the money though seeing how im a jobless kid. But for people with bills to pay, $600 is a lot


Originally Posted by fishamajig
1) the stand sucks
2) the fans burnt out on the third week of use
3) after the fans burnt out the bulb melted the rubberband holding the light and melted the plastic deflector
4)the moonlights are cheesy
5)and the fact you have one plug and need to put the daylights and atinics on (2) timers
it might be more money to buy a better light
but that is the diffrence between a hyundai and a bmw
and one cost more for a reason.

Agreed on almost all counts:
1 - I've got a corner tank, so I can't even use the stand. It sits directly on the tank, with an eggcrate lid. The plastic protector on the light prevents water from touching the bulbs.
2 - The fans do suck. Mine are groaning, and they're only a few months old. Find a local computer store that carries cooling fans for hard drive racks and replace them with good ones. This might cost you all of five bucks.
3 - I've had mine for way more than 3 weeks, and nothing has melted, even with the fans grinding.
4- The moonlights are the same as any other moonlights. Sure, I'd like it if there were a few more, but it's better than the zero you get with most other lights.
5 - My main aggrivation. Multiple cords would be great, as would a switch to turn the regular lights and the actinics on separately. But... I know what I paid -- I paid for a Hyundai, not a BMW. I don't expect all those features for that price.
I suspect the only people who will be disappointed with this light will be the people who pay for the Hyundai but expect the BMW... and that isn't gonna happen! One does cost more for a reason... but much like your car analogy, they'll both get you where you need to go. One just does it nicer. Is that worth paying double? Sure, to some people.


no not at all
I cant understand the off the wall prices for lighting either, I certanly dont want to see hobbiest's get taken advantage of over a trend in lighting, but us as hobbiest's do not dictate the price of the stuff on the market, If we did all of it would be allot more reasonable for all to buy. but the manufacturers have set these prices and I would like to think ( and when I say this I hope it is true) that when you spend the dough on better lights you are getting better components, and that is what matters to me, I want to save up for it once, not twice. and bieng that I have a

and a family to support with the money that I earn, my fish hobby money can not seem so important to justify $1000.oo lights. my wife would have my you know whats in a sling. but if i save for the right piece of equip I might not have to do it again for a long tome. I do read the magazines and see the attractive price tag for oddisea hqi fixtures but i have to have discipline and hold out for the better stuff down the road. maybe my opinion is a strong one, but I think the company makes a bad product have had a bad experience with it, and would urge people to think about what they spend their money on. :thinking: