If you are getting a canopy and want cheap lighting why are you buying a fixture? You can retro fit plug and play quality brand lighting for the same or marginally more money. All the Jebo/Odyessea 36" fixures I've seen are SINGLE halide set ups costing between $200-250 and the cheapest dual halide set up I've seen (48") was $330 at aquatraders (two 250w halides and two 96 watt pc). if you are going to replace the MH bulbs with quality bulbs you can add no less than $120 ($60 per bulb) and lets be honest go ahead and add $160 for two quality 250 watt bulbs (not to mention their flourescents are blue and not real actinics. need replacing probably more than the halide bulbs). So after bulb substitution you end up spending almost $500 for a dual jebo set up or $270-300+ for the single fixture.
A 250 watt PFO dual ballast with powercord is about $200, mogul socket prewired with cord and quick disconnect for plug and play into the ballast $25x2 and reflector $20x2. Thats $290 for a quality dual 250 watt set up (which if you are really cheap it is common practice to paint the inside of your canopy white and save the $40 on reflectors) and since you werent interested in Jebo bulbs you arent wasting any money paying for bulbs you dont want and can chose your own.
Likewise a complete plug and play coralvue 250 watt metal halide is $190 which includes everything in one kit including a decent bulb. for $10 more it comes with a Reflux bulb. Thats $400 with bulbs you'll actually want to use.
If you buy 12K and higher bulbs you wont need flourescent supplements but if you wanted to there are SEVERAL 36" pc, vho and T5 kits that can be had for $100 or less. If you can put in four screws to mount a reflector you can hook these up just as easy as a fixture. If you didn't have a canopy I would say go ahead and get the fixture but use what you have to your advantage.