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know but i want one so bad they look so awesome...i was in a pet store the other day...and there was a lady that worked there and he was so attached to here i was amazed...she would like make some kind of sound like a *sshzzzz* sound and she would like bury here face in his feathers and then he'd go *sshzzzzz* and bury his face in here side...but don't they like cost 1000 bucks or they very expensive for a bird...but i still want one so bad


Active Member
Originally Posted by Joshd123
Anyone have a parrot? Or know anything about them?
We had a Blue Crown Conure for many years. If you want a parrot, they are a long term commitment so know that up front. If you buy a McCaw there is a good chance it will outlive you if you are an adult now.
Parrots are wonderful creatures but need lots of attention. Depending on the type, they also tend to adopt one person in the family and can become very protective so everyone needs to be able to spend time with it to be accepted.
Parrots can be extremely loud so if you live in an apartment that could be a problem.
Also, make sure it's cage and stands are lower than your eye level. If they are higher than you, they tend to act dominant. It's ok to put them up at times, but you want them lower the majority of the time.
They need lots of toys to keep them occupied. You can't let them get bored or they tend to pull all their chest feathers out. It's funny looking, but not a good thing.
Hope that help some. Do a lot or research. It will pay off.


know where I can research at? I need a website like this one =-) I ahve a sunfaced Conured and Quackor parrot. I just got the sunfaced and he is biting ALOT. It hurts!! We only payed $100 for it and they go for $400 around here most of the time. I do not know much about how to get him to like me. My quackor is very nice. She was given to us from a friend that was moving. The lady could not take the bird with her.
Got any advice on how to get the sunfaced to stop biting? I spend lots of time with them both. I spent over $50 today on food and toys for them. I have looked all over the web about parrots and they all want to charge for info. I want to give them a very good home and want them to love my family. I do understand that they are just stricking out because he is scared. I just want to let him know that I want to be his friend without loseing much more blood


Ya Meban, the price for them is crazy. But, you can find good deals now and again. Just realize that a good deal will probley get you a bird like My sunface haha. But, I think I will be much better off with him because I can better understand about my quackor. One thing I have learned in my short time in dealing with birds is ya got to love them even when they are bad. They do truley love you and are very smart. So when they are trying to tell ya something and you do not understand they may try to bit you because they are frustrated.


Active Member
Ok, so your are a parrot owner already so you know a little about them. Are you talking about a Sun Conure? They can be a handful. Quakers are the sweetest parrot you can get. How old is the Sun Conure? Is it still green (Juvenile) or is it all colored out (adult). Getting them to stop biting can be very difficult. Just remember what I told you about dominant positions. When you hold him, never hold him at face level. Always keep him where he has to look up at you. If his cage is one that hangs high, move it down low. One thing that helps is to make sure you get his beak ground when you take him in the get his wings clipped and toe nails clipped. I don't know why but it really seems to calm them down when their beak is ground down. Also hurts a lot less if they do get a hold of you. I never really had that problem so I'm not an expert in that area.


Active Member
One other note. A cheap parrot is usually something to avoid unless you know the owners have owned it for many ( and I mean many) years. People buy them and can't handle them so the birds just get all out of control to the point where the owner just unloads them. You then become the proud owner of a messed up parrot and you will have a hard time with it.
If you are going to buy a parrot, find a reputable breader and buy one that is very young. It is a good idea to wait until they are eating on their own as hand feeding parrots can be very time consuming and it's not the easiest thing to do if you don't know how. With a new parrot that has been hand fed, you can get off to a good start with the birdl. Just make sure you are educated before you take that commitment.


lets see. The sun conure is about 1 year old. He has a bright orange face. The people that hid him before me did not take good care of him. I can just tell by how he looks. He is kinda skinny. I like my pets with a bit of fat so if they get sick and go on a hunger strike or if (for a strange reason) I could not get home for a day they would be ok.
The quackor parrot does not like my wife at all. The bird will charge the cage and ram it trying to get to her. It will bit itself and the cage when she gets close. But she loves me very much and rides with me even on my shoulder when I go outside. She will look at me when I talk and really study what I am saying. The strange thing is that I can get the bird to really say anything. Till I go to leave the room. Now my wife can get the bird to say just about anything. She has to talk real nice for a while and then the bird will just say just about everything she knows.


I have owned parrots for over 20 years. I have a Yellow Nape Amazon that I hand fed as a baby and he will be 18 years old this year. I also have another Amazon that is 4 years old. When I lived in Michigan I bred large parrots myself and worked for a breeder. So I have hand fed everthing from Cockatiels to Macaw's.
PLEASE do not have your birds beak filed or trimmed. Unless it has a disease that causes the beak to overgrow this can cause many problems. It can lead to infection, it stress's the bird and is just not nessesary.
I helped many people who called me about behavior problems with their birds. When you get bit it is important not to react. I know it's hard because it hurts, just give a firm NO and place them on the floor. This is best done in a small room such as a bathroom with the door shut. Remember to have the toilet lid down and no water around. Then work on the UP command. Keep putting the bird down on the floor then saying UP. Get him to step up on your hand over and over. You can reinforce good behavior with praise and or treat. Most birds enjoy peanut butter on a spoon, not much just a nibble. Do this everyday for 15 mins or so. Many people make the mistake of putting the bird back in their cage when they bite, most of the time this is what the bird wants. Birds do not like being on the ground they feel unsafe you are being the hero by picking them back up.
Back when you could still purchase wild caught birds I did this with wild caught Mollucan Cockatoos and handtamed them!!It does work.
Sun's can be loud, in the wild these birds flock and know each of their flocks individual birds calls. They keep in constant contact thru calling back and forth to eachother to communacate where food is, if there is danger and so forth. The worst thing you can do is yell at the bird to shut up. To them you just called back letting them know your there. You can cover the cage or just ignore them.
Parrots are amazing creatures and very intelligent. Good luck. Oh, one more important thing, it is best not to feed seed. A base diet of bird pellets and lots of fruits and veggies, a good mixture of shelled fresh nuts once in a while as a treat. Peanuts grow on the ground and can have fungus on them that you don't see so keep these to a minimum.
Sorry to go on and on, I maybe new to saltwater but on this topic I know my stuff. I love parrots. I have a will for my birds as they will outlive me. Amazons have lived to be 80-90 years.


The way to see if a bird is a healthy weight. The flesh on either side of the keel bone (

) feel this. The bone should not be prominent but the flesh also shouldn't stick out past the bone. It should feel firm, you don't want a bird underweight but it's just as bad to be fat. It can cause fatty tumors. Hope I helped.


Active Member
Lauras definitely knows a lot more than me and actually reminded me of a lot I forgot. I was educated by a man who owned three aviaries and had hundreds of parrots. He even had a breeder pair of Hyacinth McCaws. I remember him telling me the exact same things that lauras is saying. He was the man that I took my bird to for his grooming which included the wing clip, toenails and beak. He had a way with birds and my bird loved him. He always knew when we were going there for boarding.
I have to admit that I was not familiar with not having their beaks shaped and never heard anyone say anything negative about it. I always assumed that it was part of the normal care procedure. Base on your experience though, I'll take your word for it but evidently there are very experienced people out there that feel is it a normal procedure. That is unless the thoughts have changed around this recently as it has been about 5 years since I had to give my parrot away.


Active Member
My B&G does her own beak shaping. They just have to have enough different types of wood to chew on. {hard & soft} Their toys should be rotated to keep their interest in them as well.


Originally Posted by promisetbg
My B&G does her own beak shaping. They just have to have enough different types of wood to chew on. {hard & soft} Their toys should be rotated to keep their interest in them as well.
Agreed, toys rotated is the best. If given proper toys to chew they will do their own beak filing. Also I keep different size and kinds of perches in the cage such as mandaniza wood of different diameters and the comfort perches that feel like sand paper. These help to keep the nails filed as well as prevent problems with toes and arthritis from always standing on the same type of perch.