I have owned parrots for over 20 years. I have a Yellow Nape Amazon that I hand fed as a baby and he will be 18 years old this year. I also have another Amazon that is 4 years old. When I lived in Michigan I bred large parrots myself and worked for a breeder. So I have hand fed everthing from Cockatiels to Macaw's.
PLEASE do not have your birds beak filed or trimmed. Unless it has a disease that causes the beak to overgrow this can cause many problems. It can lead to infection, it stress's the bird and is just not nessesary.
I helped many people who called me about behavior problems with their birds. When you get bit it is important not to react. I know it's hard because it hurts, just give a firm NO and place them on the floor. This is best done in a small room such as a bathroom with the door shut. Remember to have the toilet lid down and no water around. Then work on the UP command. Keep putting the bird down on the floor then saying UP. Get him to step up on your hand over and over. You can reinforce good behavior with praise and or treat. Most birds enjoy peanut butter on a spoon, not much just a nibble. Do this everyday for 15 mins or so. Many people make the mistake of putting the bird back in their cage when they bite, most of the time this is what the bird wants. Birds do not like being on the ground they feel unsafe you are being the hero by picking them back up.
Back when you could still purchase wild caught birds I did this with wild caught Mollucan Cockatoos and handtamed them!!It does work.
Sun's can be loud, in the wild these birds flock and know each of their flocks individual birds calls. They keep in constant contact thru calling back and forth to eachother to communacate where food is, if there is danger and so forth. The worst thing you can do is yell at the bird to shut up. To them you just called back letting them know your there. You can cover the cage or just ignore them.
Parrots are amazing creatures and very intelligent. Good luck. Oh, one more important thing, it is best not to feed seed. A base diet of bird pellets and lots of fruits and veggies, a good mixture of shelled fresh nuts once in a while as a treat. Peanuts grow on the ground and can have fungus on them that you don't see so keep these to a minimum.
Sorry to go on and on, I maybe new to saltwater but on this topic I know my stuff. I love parrots. I have a will for my birds as they will outlive me. Amazons have lived to be 80-90 years.