Off to a good start and a Protein Skimmer


New Member
I've have a 55 gal, it's been running for two weeks now. The water chemistry is where it should be and is looking good. I have about 35lbs of live rock and about 2" of arougnite sand.
I understand that I have about 3 to 4 more weeks for my aquarium to cycle, how ever I have also purchase a protein skimmer and was wondering when should I put this in to operation?
My water quality seems to be off to a good start and I like to keep it that way, I too am coming up on my first water change. (Tomorrow) Is it a bad idea to add a protein skimmer at this point or should I wait? Any advice have to offer is appreciated.
Regards, George


Active Member
If you don't have any fish in the tank then there is no immediate reason to add the skimmer yet. It will not hurt or help much until you start adding your fish. Then I would add the skimmer.


Active Member
yeah sly right, but if you want it at the start go ahead and get it, don't need it until your tank becomes stocked

mandarin w

I have experienced the oppisite. I put my protien skimmer on right at the start. I always have had it pull junk out of the water. In transport there is dieoff on the rocks. and alot of debuis comes out of the rocks. The skimmer will take that out of the water. The skimmer is not just for fish poo and food any more.


Active Member
I would get the skimmer up and running immediately also. It should not pull out much but it will atleast give the skimmer time to break in as well. I would look at the coralife super skimmer, they are great and cheap.


New Member
I did purchase the Super Skimmer, w/ needle wheel and have it assembled and it is ready to go. I just didn’t want to wash microbes or something from the water column that I need to cycle my tank.
My live rock has come to life after I add some better lighting. Algae growth is well under way and I have add a scarlet hermit crab and one snail to get started. I’m thinking of adding a reef package later next week. Thank you for your time and insight.
Regards, George