off to college how small of a tank can i get?


i have a 55 gallon now and konw i cant take it but i really want my pair of clowns!! whats the smallest tank i can put a pair of percula clowns and maybe a shrimp? and what do u recomend an aquapod, nano or just a regular tank?


I started my first tank in college. I started with a 20 gallon and that would be plenty of space for 2 perculas and a shrimp. Just remember, the smaller the tank, the more attention you need to heed to water chemistry and when you're off at college, the tank can sometimes lose importance what with all the partying, girls, drinking, girls, studying, oh yeah, and girls. :)


Active Member
I've heard a 20 g is fine for a pair of clowns. Have you checked out the size of the dorms yet? Some dorms would have plenty of room, but the one I was in would never even fit a 20g tank I'm sad to say. Good luck. I'm in college now and I was able to squish a 55 gallon into my apartment, so you may be able to upgrade again soon. :)


The dorms at the University I attended each had a drawer unit with a large clean top that I was able to place the 20 gallon on. People loved coming in to the see the fish, but I have to admit, I was learning and I let a lot of great fish die with that tank! I still remember the tacky no fishing sign I put in it...
those were the days!
I recommend a 20 too because the larger the better in terms of maintaining good water quality, but at the same time, you don't want something too big for college, especially if you go home for the summer and breaks, someone has to care for the tank while you're away! A 20 makes it easy to manage the transport of the water (you should always save at least half when you move), and the weight of the tank!