slideways are u his ex wife or something surprised you can type and roll joints at the same time.for crying out loud the guys losing his daughter.


You need to hire a private eye and get some of her drug use on film. Make Documentation also, the courts eat that up, wheather it be how much you gave your wife, or vise versa. Even have her boyfriends followed.


Well, guys thanks for the support. In reply to the 2 posts above this one I know I do not need to defend myself but . . . .
It appears you have read most of the site? Did you see the FAKE birth certificate? Numerous Jobs? I went to hell and back for this girl, I left a wonderful career albeit working 100 hours a week to not lose this girl. When we could not make it on a petty wal-mart $ job, I became a truck driver because they make a lot of MONEY! She was not this way initially. I am sorry if you did not understand that when the cat is away the mouse will play. Do you know any truck drivers? I was on the road for three weeks at a time making a living. She got involved in drugs while I WAS GONE! Once I found out about her being underage, the drugs, did you not notice that I broke up with her immediately? well within 3-4 weeks because I got back from being on the road? Hmmmm, did you not notice that the WEEK our child was born I quit being a truck DRIVER to become a real dad! Sorry I took responsibility and love for my child seriously! Donations? Yeah, why don't you help me? Savings account set aside? Everyone here who has $30,000 to $50,000 set aside please raise their hand?
Savings? Well did you know that I did not come home for 5 months straight after we broke up and she was pregnant so I could have some money when things went sour? Add that up will you! Driving maximum hours allowed by law etc etc, I brought home $1000 a week. that works out to be $20,000. Did you know that they attorney blew through that before the 2nd court hearing even? So I was working and paying her every extra cent I had at a $10.00/ hour job? about $500 a month?
Maybe you do not realize this is my first child and I had never been through this before? This Jane idiot is appointed by the court! Wasting tax dollars on the police etc etc? Hmmm, so I am supposed to let her teach my daughter how to be a drug addict and make another problem in society? I made one mistake, choosing the wrong woman. What has been the consequence ever since? Trying to fix that one mistake, trying to raise a moral, good benefit to society child? So tell me? Mr. Slideways? Should I give up on the one thing that means more to me in this world than anything and give her to an unfit mother who will most likely see that she is a drug addict, raped, abused and pregnant before the age of 15? I think not. Thank you! I am sorry if I am a father's rights advocate, Who set up townhouse meetings with state representatives one day a month in the local court house. I am sorry if I make $31,200 a year. Now re-read above, in the matter of 6 months the attorney burned through $20,000 hmmm, please do the math! Cut off for WIC is $20,000 per year after the child is 2 yrs old. Did you know that any mother no matter house much the household income can get WIC until the child is 2 yrs old!? Why? because then they know the family is getting the basic nutrition they need to flourish. Did you know you can only make $16,000 a year to get public help? Ok retainer fee is around $3,000 now think about that and please do the math again. Do I like my situation? NO! Am I doing the best I can, no! Have I asked you for money? NO! I asked for some support! I asked for some information. I did not ask for a free ride?
I am a father, that is all that it is. I hope if you have children, you give them an extra hug tonight and can cherish their love even more now that you have read a nightmare that you could have been in. Why? because you were young and naievete. My fault, yes. Am I fixing it? I sure am trying. One last thought, remember the old saying, the only one you can control is yourself. SWEETJESUS MOTHER MARY OF GOD! PLEASE HELP ME!


GOOD NEWS! I just was exaonerated from all the charges. They trumped it up to my daughter calling for help as she was having night terrors from being in her mother's care that has been non-existant til now. Social Services is helping modify the visitation to only supervised with her mother!
Due to information attained on here, I was contacted by an attorney would is willing to take my case on a reduced fee schedule!
I LOVE you guys and my tank!
Attorney appointment 2pm on Friday!
My heart is filled with Joy, and my little girl is on her way home!


I would take her mother too court now and sue here for complete custody, use a statigy that shows the court room shes a drug attick, get her old friends to give depoditions, have people give depositions for you showing your a good father. 99% of the legal system is about money, I would sue her because it sounds like she won't have any money to defend herself and that will knock her out of the game.


My best friend is going through something similar, only difference is just not so extreem. no abuse charges have been filed. I'm sorry to hear about it.


......and sometimes The System does work.
I'll very glad for you. All the best as you and your daughter work to forget this unfortunate time.
Prayers are answered. Hang in there and never give up Jesus. Your heart is in the right place. Don't fight the battle on the same ground she is using...once she loses she will give up and you will not hear from her again. Always give your troubles to the Lord...revenge is His, not yours. The Bible tells us to pray for our enemies and forgive them thier trespasses. You are on the prayer list at my church. God Bless and keep praying. All will work out according to God's plan.


i just caught back up with your story, and i am so glad things are working in your favor. just always keep your head held high and be a better role model for your daughter than her mother seems to be. keep us informed. ;)


Make it emminently clear through your attorney that you will sue the state without end if something happens to your daughter as a result of their decisions. Document EVERY SINGLE phone call, correspondence, etc., and remind the powers that be EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, that you will be using the CIVIL system to its full extent to ensure accountability for their decisions.
Unfortunately, there is a good chance that some misfortune will befall your daughter (isn't it starting already?). You need to make it absolutely clear that you will hold people accountable. On the pther hand, the problem may very well resolve itself when your ex-wife is busted once again, or maybe she o.d.'s, etc.


New Member
I am sorry to hear this..nothing hurts a parent more than seeing thier child hurt. I see that your screen name is I assume you know his power...stop now and pray not that you havent...but ask him for HIS direction...perhaps you can "break down" and talk with her...pray before you say one word....see if you can work things out...dont say what you want to say...say what is smart to say...kind words turn away anger...although you dont want her to see your child... you know prohbiting that is not possible... you ARE going to have to work things out...or no one wins...lest of all the child... r remember to keep your friend close but your enemies closer......perhaps think about forgetting the post owed child support and working something though you dont feel like it... play it smart... these things could go on forever..with your daughter being bounced back and forth.. Lawyers can be very expensive..and the entire ordeal emotionally taxing... Talk with her it out....even help help will help you in the long run.... Good blessings to you...I will keep you all in my prayers.


Active Member
Somebody is watchin over you and your girl <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
Play it smart and keep her safe.
best of luck.
congrats and as paul proved with his miraculous escape from king herods jail prayer does work u can find that story in Acts 12 <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


3-4 years later, my daughter turned 7 today! I have not updated the old website, but lets just say I won full custody with absolutely no visitation by the mother. IF you want the cliff notes version I can post it.
Whew!!! I have been away for 3 years!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SweetJesus
3-4 years later, my daughter turned 7 today! I have not updated the old website, but lets just say I won full custody with absolutely no visitation by the mother. IF you want the cliff notes version I can post it.
Whew!!! I have been away for 3 years!
Glad to hear thing worked out for the better!!! I'm happy for you and your daughter! :jumping:
No that your lives together can continue on being uninterupted by the trash of's your fishtank doing? :joy:
Seriously, very happy for you both!


Active Member
Sweet - what an incredible story. You should write memoirs.
It's so wonderful to see something miraculous happen amid all the mess we're in these days.
Wish your daughter a hearty happy birthday! :joy:
Oh, and.... Welcome back to the boards


Active Member
ohmigosh...I am totaly in tears. I never cry at ANYTHING!!!
Sweet, I'm turning into my mother (cries at Bambi) and it's all your fault.