
Active Member
That is wonderful news! I was wondering where this old post came from when I started reading and was happy to see you brought it back to update us. I'm sure it has been a long hard road, but your daughter will always know what you did and sacraficed for her. Great to have you back.


Cliff notes:
Found a new attorney after talking to absolutely everyone in the tri state area. The mother had already been to see them all because of the criminal problems she was having so it was a conflict of interest.
Finally found a family law attorney only. Anyhow they argued that none of the previous custody rulings and so forth ever happened. So ended up ordering court transcripts, and many letters to prove that they actually were agreed upon and read into the record at the hearings. So finally got all the final rulings in place.
Finally got rid of the guardian ad litem by tape recording her conversations with me, transcribing them, and then sending a copy to the judge, and her attorney. Lets put it this way, every other word was swearing at me, and putting me down. Not very professional. After I played this trump card, within a month everything changed. The guardian ad litem submitted a one paragraph letter to the court saying I should have custody, and the mother should not and that she no longer needed to be involved in the case. Got the report back from the child psychologist that said the mother should only have short, supervised visits as she did not have the emotional energy for the child.
Well, the court finally got fed up with it all, gave her 6 months visitation and when she did not do them, they refused to order any more visitation in the case and closed the custody case. They told her if she wanted visitation she would need to petition the court for visitation on her own dime and pay for the attorney herself.
Anyhow, she has been in and out of jail quite frequently. She has another child that just turned 1 and does not know who the father is.
I could go into more details that would blow your mind even more than the original story, but hey, that is for the book I will write one day.
Me, well, I got a good job, will be getting my Bachelor of Science in Business Management here shortly. Purchased a house, and sworn off relationships forever!
As for the tank, it is no more, I still have all the equipment for a kicking sps/clam system, just have not had the time to set it up properly. All in good time.


Staff member
Great news and what a story!
I basically pressed my ex for child support until he couldn't be pressed anymore, mind you it was really a "nothing amt" which he still couldn't pay. Then I told him I would give up pursuing him in court for child support if he would forgo involvment with my son. Obviously and expectedly, he agreed and we have never heard from him since. I never once regreted doing it either. My son is now 24. Sometimes, you just have to make criticial life choices for the sake of your children.


Here we are over 9 years later. Mother is still the same criminal drug addict. See's her daughter once a year . . . ok not even that much, because she did not even show up for an hour on christmas this year.
Daughter is getting all honors in School. I have finished my Bachelor's Degree in Business Management. Purchased a house, and life is good!
Dedication and hard work does pay off!


Active Member
wait u mean shes 9 or this thread is 9 years old, if so i am reeaally confused but happy to see justice prevail over that weirdo


Active Member
Great to see you are doing well and your daughter is also. There are still many of us here that lived through the experiece with you and remember the things you went through. It is just great that everything turned out the way it did. Good luck and enjoy the remaining years with your little girl. They grow up so fast.


Active Member
Good to know things worked out well for ya. I will still keep you in my prayers though as that is all we have. Barry


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
wait u mean shes 9 or this thread is 9 years old, if so i am reeaally confused but happy to see justice prevail over that weirdo
Been 9 years since she was born, she is currently 8 years old.


I hope all works out for you and everyone else in similar situations. I am also a divorced father and I came across this post after searching for FATHER'S RIGHTS info on the web. I just gave up and decided to see what was going on since I can't sleep. My ex has custody and I have visitation. Everytime I drop off my daughter her mother calls me and says my daughter said she didn't like her or her new boyfriend so it had to be me who put it in her head. Such is not the case because when I see my daughter that is MY time with her and I don't mention her mother at all, especially in a negative way, my kid needs to love her mother not hate her. Whatever happened between she and I has nothing to do with how my child should feel toward her mother. I get threats, phone calls saying I will never see my child again, now she wants to postpone visitation until the court gives her supervised visits. The courts are unfair everywhere when it comes to family law. I too have exhausted my funds dueling with my ex thru the divorce and have nothing left, I lost my job because the ex mother in law got me fired and just got laid off from my construction job and I still pay the same support which leaves me less than $600 a month to live on. Now I have to go to court instead of either spending time with my 3 year old daughter or going on interviews, it is just rediculous.


WoW!!! Just read this thread for the first time and this is one crazy story. I give you a lot of credit for putting what is most important in your life in front of anything and everything and doing whatever it takes to make it happen. The icing on the cake is your degree and it sounds like you have it all going for you now. Keep it up!!!
Very heartwarming story!!!