Oh Crap need advise ASAP


:help: One of my small tanks is suddenly Full of small bristle worms. The largest I have seen so far is about 4mm. but the tank is swarming with them. I first noticed them about 2 weeks ago & have been trying to find a good way to rid them before they get out of hand.
I had also noted that my Gorgonian had not been opening up recently & seemed to be coated with slime. After testing & retesting my water, cleaning out the filters & a heavy water change. I then debrided the gorgonian the best I could last night. That seemed to do the trick & it started to open again.
Until tonight.... I noticed it was again all closed & slime coat was beginning to appear again... I got my eyepiece for a closer inspection & see that it is covered with 1-2mm worms! I assume they are the culprit..
My first question is if there is a safe way to make them quickly exit off of the gorgonian??
Any ideas on how to controll the population in the tank as a whole? They are too small and numerous to trap...
Thanks for any Help! Birdmom


pop a sixline wrasse in there (if your tank can take it). Dont feed the tank too much and give it about a week. Worked for me ^_^
After my week or so I took the fish back to the LFS (note: they are really tricky to catch)


Active Member
As mentioned do not feed so much. They will only live and thrive when there is an abundance of food for them. Try feeding everyother day.


Hi & thanks.. I cannot add a Wrasse as this is one of my nano tanks. Not to mention that I do not have a LFS in the state that I trust. I am pretty sure that the worms came in with a shipment of corals I ordered about 2mo ago..
The only fish the tank contains are two clowns that I am attempting to pair. So I am feeding only every other day or less.. They are eating pods as well.
Anyone know If I can safely do a fresh or high salt dip on the Gorgonia?? It is closed up tightly at the moment.. I am looking for them to exit at least long enough for feeding... It has not fully branched out in at least 2 weeks..


What kind of food are you feeding and in what quantity?
Most healthy tanks with live rock have a bristle worm or two and they are good for the aquarium.(Bristle worms eat the detrius material) If you have hundreds of them and they are taking over, it leads me to wonder if you have a buildup of detrius material in your substrate.


agreed I would find out what they are feeding on and then go from there another way to get them out is use a pair of nylons put some food in there when the lights go out and a few hours later pull it out if there are as many as you say it will be covered in them. but it wont help if the food is still there.


Originally Posted by rwp1202
What kind of food are you feeding and in what quantity?
Most healthy tanks with live rock have a bristle worm or two and they are good for the aquarium.(Bristle worms eat the detrius material) If you have hundreds of them and they are taking over, it leads me to wonder if you have a buildup of detrius material in your substrate.
Hi & thanks. The rock came from my main display tank & this particular tank has been set up since July. I have several tanks & this is the only one with bristles. (I do not mind them either as long as they do not get out of hand)
The ones that I am seeing in this tank are microscopic.. Not an obvious invasion.. (new hatch?) I have been feeding the clowns the tropical crisps so I have a better idea of how much they are eating. (1-3 every other day) Tank is not overfed..
I doubt very much that many of the bristle worms will live long enough to grow large enough to see clearly & unaided.. However the large numbers of the microscopic form are apparently causing stress to polyps..
Thanks, Birdmom


use the nylon trick the new hatchs will swarm it and you can pull them out If there is a rock that you see them at more than others put the nylon close to it to attract them ou tof the rock. and should relive some of the stress to the corals.


Try pulling the clowns out and have somone babysit for you add the six line problem solved then trade out the six to your baby sitter for their trouble! Try it - it works around here!~


ah you have a nano... there is one more thing you can do (IME) if you cant put that wrasse in there:
Shrimp (make sure he's not big enough to eat your clowns!) Wether you trust your LFS or not its just a shrimp... i dont see much harm coming from it unless you buy a huge one.