Oh crap now I need a sump.....


Active Member
Ok so I bought an eclipse 38 Gallon tank i tossed the biowheel that was in the hood ok so I have everything hooked up and ready to go. I started cycling my tank about 4 days ago and everything is going fine i even added a few damsels to help speed along the process. Ok so I order a Protien skimmer from the auction site and i'm so excited it comes in and its a freaking MONSTER
I dont have the space for it I mean look at it!! Anyway to make a long story short someone reccomended building or buying a sump to put the skimmer in anyone have any ides or pictures of your sumps so I know what the hell to do :notsure: Any info will be greatly appreciated Thanks!! Below is a size comparison LOL



Active Member
the only part that goes in the water is the powerhead.. the cylindrical thing hangs on the back or side.. you have room.. if the cover is in the way, cut part of it off..


Active Member
Thank you i appreciate all the input. I will try and post pics when I get it all rigged up! LOL


Active Member
at this point and time you dont have to have the skimmer hooked up there realy is nothing in your tank that is going to be adding extra protiens into the system.however I do recomend after veiwing you filter set up removing some of those tube extenders bring the prefilter as close to the surface as possible.because of salt gravity waste in sw floats to the surface of the water instead of sinking like as in fw.one reason overflows are so popular for filtering tanks.


Active Member
awsome thanks i didn't even think of putting the intake for the pump up higher I will do that asap


Active Member
Awsome thanks i didn't even think of putting the intake for the pump up higher I will do that asap
Also its not a sump its a protein skimmer Criminal. Also if anyone has any homemade sumps I would love to see them


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Adding fish to a cycling tank doesn't speed up the cycle... it just harms the fish.
Agreed You should have tested your water and completed a cycle before adding fish You might need to do some more research

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have you had any problems with it? because i believe i found the same thing on ---- but it says no refunds and i don't want to buy something if it's not going to be good.


I bought the same protein skimmer....but I cant get a handle on that thing....The first time I set it up it seemed to work, and I got green junk and stuff. I turned it off. cleaned it, started it back up and now I cant seem to get things balanced...and it just pumps clear water into the collection cup, and would like fill it in an hour, instead of like 3 days or something, and I mess with the flow rate knob, and the bubbles and all that, but noothing is working....is there a trick to it that you have figured out???


Active Member
I have not used the skimmer yet. I'm in the process of trying to retro fit the hood. As for the damsels I put them in there from the advice of a long time saltwater business owner who also happens to be my girlfriend
. As for the specifics on the skimmer I don't know I have seen one in use with no problems. I would suggest checking the pump and cleaning the Pads thats all I can think of. sorry I couldn't be of more help