Oh my freakin' GAH!!!



So my starry blenny jumped into my overflow...again. And I wanted to double check that he was indeed in the same one as usual...
I looked in the one that I believed he was "not" in, and oh my friggin' goodness!! I have my own aiptasia farm!!!
I'm sick about it!
The pic shows a lot, but there are many many that didn't show up.
I have aiptasia X but it's gonna be an all day project zapping all this shhhhh...

small triggers

Active Member
OMG are you culturing those things for sale or what? If its actually IN your overflow though thank god its not in the DT,,, and hopfully your belnny doesnt get stung to death, did you find him?


No, my overflow is not a detachable box, it's a permanent fixture... The blenny has been in there for about a month cause I'm to lazy to get him out. I am not looking forward to this.
You guys gotta understand, I have the whole tunze set up, controller complete with about 7 powerheads. And all the lights, this canopy is no easy task to remove...


Originally Posted by small triggers
OMG are you culturing those things for sale or what? If its actually IN your overflow though thank god its not in the DT,,, and hopfully your belnny doesnt get stung to death, did you find him?
I cannot see into the one he is in, the bottum has to much sand built up. Which kinda worries me cause if there's a fish in there, the sand should be disturbed...
OMG! Lemme go look in my sump!

small triggers

Active Member
i getcha,, but would you rather have your farm and your poor blenny being stung every ther second as hes stuck in there? Its gonna be a pain, maybe time for some mods on the canopy or ??? I dunno, i was to lazy to build my canopy now im happy i didnt, lol


Originally Posted by small triggers
i getcha,, but would you rather have your farm and your poor blenny being stung every ther second as hes stuck in there? Its gonna be a pain, maybe time for some mods on the canopy or ??? I dunno, i was to lazy to build my canopy now im happy i didnt, lol
Well, yeah, now that I know it looks like that, I'll make the effort to get him out. He's jumped in there 2x before this, I take him out and he just goes right back in...
So, he's not in the overflow.
Sheesh, this is gonna suck.
Gotta wait for the teenager to get home to help me lift the top off...
I can't believe I don't have the aip in my tank.

coral keeper

Active Member
IMO, if the aiptasia is only in the overflow box, why not just leave them be?
I have aiptasia in my sump and honestly, I don't care. As long as its not in the DT, I'm fine with it.


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
IMO, if the aiptasia is only in the overflow box, why not just leave them be?
I have aiptasia in my sump and honestly, I don't care. As long as its not in the DT, I'm fine with it.

Cause as long as it's there, I will forever be nuking babies that make their way into the tank... I want them all gone!!
Nate, haven't found him yet, but I didn't really look very hard.
Tomorrow when I get home from work, project find blenny/ aip removal will begin.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Cause as long as it's there, I will forever be nuking babies that make their way into the tank... I want them all gone!!
Nate, haven't found him yet, but I didn't really look very hard.
Tomorrow when I get home from work, project find blenny/ aip removal will begin.
Get a Bristletail Filefish for your DT. They LOVE to eat aiptasias. Then you'll never have to worry about aiptasia. :) They are pretty cheap, like $20-$30 each.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
This is actually not a rare occurrence. The pic is of my overflow box I do not have an issue of aptasia in my DT (peppermint shrimp) or my sump/refug I just let them be in the overflow box if they get to big when I do a water change and clean my prefilters the level of my overflow box goes below them and I remove them with a paper towel.