Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Local about ten years ago haha. Anyway, I hope they ship or I am sol. Keep me posted...night inventory......now I just need to finish the setup before my names comes up, but you said it's not often right? Email me at rvadub@mac.com.. have some questions about the fish.

my way

Active Member
If they don't ship and they call you about one, get in touch with me and we'll work something out.


Do you happen to know what size tank this puffer needs and if its reef/fish safe or what not. New to this game and want to make sure I can work it in once I am going this month.


Active Member
Wow, that is a beautiful fish. I am very curious if they are its true colors though. I really hope that they are not artificial, as that would be horrible if they are giving saltwaterfish artificial coloring.

my way

Active Member
Like I said before this is a very reputable store, but that does'nt mean their supplier is pulling a fast one. The other thing is they RARELY get them, I would think if they are dyed and selling for $125 for a small one ( 1"-2") $300 for a 4" one, and a regular Porcy sells for about $20 the supplier would have them available on a regular basis. I also started searching as soon as I saw this fish and found a site that mentions a blue color variant of a pocupine puffer I thought it was Live aquar** but I just looked and it was'nt there, I will have to look again to see wher i saw it. I wish AW2 was around,if anyone would know I think he would.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by urface
Do you happen to know what size tank this puffer needs and if its reef/fish safe or what not. New to this game and want to make sure I can work it in once I am going this month.
From what I understand this is just a color variation of a regular Porcupine Puffer. They do get huge though and definately NOT reef safe.
Check out this thread, could you imagine this monster in blue?


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Like I said before this is a very reputable store, but that does'nt mean their supplier is pulling a fast one. The other thing is they RARELY get them, I would think if they are dyed and selling for $125 for a small one ( 1"-2") $300 for a 4" one, and a regular Porcy sells for about $20 the supplier would have them available on a regular bais. I also started searching as soon as I saw this fish and found a site that mentions a blue clor variant of a pocupine puffer I thought it was Live aquar** but I just looked and it was'nt there, I will have to look again to see wher i saw it. I wish AW2 was around,if anyone would know I think he would.
That is one reason why I would believe that it was not an articificially colored fish.
A customer of mine one time told me that that store had a dwarf lion fish that came from the waters near China and were selling it for $250 and before I could go over there to check it out, they sold it to someone. I take it that you have been to their store. How are their prices on dry goods and supplies?

my way

Active Member
Nope and it is a Pinnatus Bat in the pic. I sure wish you could keep on alive in an aquarium, but I know of noone whohas been able to.


Active Member
Oh, right. I knew Teira did not sound right. Thanks for answering. I was just wondering if you have had any luck with them because my Orbic bat is doing fantasticaly and I was wondering if you were having similiar luck with the one in your avatar, the Pinnatus.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
That is one reason why I would believe that it was not an articificially colored fish.
A customer of mine one time told me that that store had a dwarf lion fish that came from the waters near China and were selling it for $250 and before I could go over there to check it out, they sold it to someone. I take it that you have been to their store. How are their prices on dry goods and supplies?
I don't remember how thier prices on drygoods and supplies are, their livestock are on the high side but they also have a lot of things I have'nt seen in most LFS's. They do have a website but I don't remember seeing prices other than specials. If you are looking for deals i don't think this is the place but I COULD BE WRONG. I do plan on taking a ride out there soon I hope. if Imake it out there I will take a look around.

my way

Active Member
I was looking at their specials, they have a Blue Ring for sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
I am going with unleashed, and saying un natural. Like those tetras that they sell at petsmart.
The colors (pinks blues and greens, all neonish) are human made. The companies that take the poor fish, and dip them in an acid to remove there mucus layer that prevents disease. Then they dye the fish with a color dye. When the fish ages, it loses its color.
I would personally ask them where they got it, or try and research it...see if they can give you a latin name.

I totally agree!!

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by bergamer
I totally agree!!
I have a bit of knowledge about mixing colors as I have worked in the painting field for over 30 yrs. I have a question about dyed fish, arent all of the dyed fish I have seen in the FW hobby are either clear or white to start out with? I also believe the dyes are not completely opaque but more along the lines of transparent, like the custom "candy" colors I work with. Therefore there is no way you could dye a fish that is orignally a gold and browh spotted coloration with a transparent blue and not get a greenish/grey/brown color. If it not a transparent color the fish would be entirely blue and no longer show any of the spots. Also if you look this fish still has a white bottom to it. I'm not saying that the picture isn't doctored up either. If anything it is an edited picture not a dyed fish IMO.


Well they told me it's 100% real and not altered. From around Bali. And over the years they have only gotten 5. So not reef safe...bummer :(

my way

Active Member
They took over the store 15 yrs. ago I believe so 1 every 3 yrs. and I'm not at the top of the list, I don't know if I'll still be alive.


Active Member
I find it interesting they give the latin names on all their fish, except the puffer.
And I bet if you ask for the latin name of the blue puffer, they will give you Diodon holocanthus (the porc puffer.)
all I am saying is that something smells very fishy at absolutely fish in NJ.
since they are so rare, you should ask them for someone who bought one from them a while back and see how it is doing


Active Member
here is conv about dyed puffers
-Has anybody ever seen a yellow porc? I am talking full body yellow except for his white belly?
- Can you post a pic? More than likely, it is dyed
- Dyed? Are you serious?
Why would they do that?
How would they do that?
That CANT be good for the little fella
-I've seen bright blue ones too <---- CHECK THIS OUT
-It is getting more common w/SW fish too (porcs in particular). And they're definately beautiful on their own!
-How do they do this?
-well it usually invovles sticking a needle under the outer layer of skin and injecting the dye of choice into the layers of the skin, think a tattoo but it fades with time and the fish does revert to normal colors, if it doesnt die first due to toxicity of the dye. which is a common occurance.