Oh No!! Mantis Came Home With..



Originally posted by Meadbhb
They have one for sale under the "eye it and buy it" section on this site.

Man are they ugly!:yes:
Havnt got him YET.. but found out that I have MORE Bristle worms than I thought... One of them took a silverside OUT of the trap and brought it up to a piece of rock.. UGH!!!
Also, I was stung by my torch coral while putting my hands in the darn tank so much.....
I give up! Hopefuly nothing will disappear??:mad:
If it does, I will FREAK OUT.... Gonna set traps every night!
Thanking you kindly, Kim
There he IS!!
I still havn't seen MINE yet.. Grrr... Lastnight I only heard a few clicks... It's only matter of time now. I feel like a vigilante'
HAHA :yes: Just hoping he doesnt break the glass BEFORE I catch him..... "think like a mantis" ~ "think like a mantis" ~ think like a mantis" ROFLMAO..... :hilarious :hilarious
I just found one of my BIG hermits I have had for a LONG time yanked out of his shell DEAD!
Would a mantis pull him out of the shell and NOT eat him? Or would he have EATEN him? Just doing some investigation.
Thanking you kindly,. Kim
Oh GOSG! :mad: :mad: :mad:


We dipped our mantis' rock in R/O water last night and she came right out...netted her up and put her in a bag, and took her to our LFS.......so we're mantis free..as far as we know.



Originally posted by KimKissyFish
How did you know WHAT rock he was in???? YOur so LUCKY!!
GOOD JOB! Was it a pretty one??

We watched our mantis for a number of days..she'd get out and about but always went back in the same hole in the same rock. Figured that was her nest.
She was a pretty one...really bright red.
I never caught the darn thing.. I hear intermittent ckicking BUT can't catch him
BOY, I have raised SMART tank mates. They seem to be able to get into the traps and TAKE the food out.
I guess my man made traps are not for this task.. BUT I cannot see the commercial traps working any better BUT, I just ordered one.. HE HEH HE
Just the update here...
Does anyone know the answer to the question... Will a mantis just rip a large hermit out of the shell OR Should he have eaten him?? My lawnmower blennie had disappeared!! URGH
Thanking you kindly, Kim