Originally posted by Thomas712
Yeah I'm sure I do, thing is they won't live long with out the proper tiny food.
Maybe Bang Guy can give me a list of what I need.
You have some time. Typically the first several spawnings aren't worth keeping. The fertilization rate is poor for the first few times. (Timing is everything). You'll probably notice that many of the eggs disappear over the next week.
This gives you time to get ready. I recommend the book Clownfishes to everyone. It's worth it.
A good grade of Rotifers is crucial. I strongly recommend salt water Rotifers because they live longer in the larval rearing tank. You also need a high quality phytoplankton to feed the Rotifers. You can grow your own or buy bottled Phyto. I use a product called Instant Algae. If I had more time I would grow my own.
A 10 gallon tank with a heater & airstone will work for the larvae tank but I prefer an dark colored round container like a plastic oil drain pan.