Oh Noes!!!


i went away for a bit, and came back and my pink-tip annenome was plugging my power head!!! he was sucked all the way in!! I FEEL TERRIBLE!!!! i turned every thing off and tried to pull him out but but he was "really" in there!!! I got him out and he lost a few tenticles? will he live? please tell me he will?!
Sorry im in a panic!


Active Member
i heard that if they are torn they die, but i could be wrong, you proly should check your water levels just to be safe


Active Member
Depending on how long it was in there, he may live. I had a similar situation and my condy did not make it, its foot was badly torn up. Did it attach to a rock when you pulled it out, or just roll around? If the foot wasn't injured you may have a chance. Just watch it, and don't let it roll under something that you can not watch it. Just in case it dies.....can pollute the tank big time. It will look kind of bad for awhile. The tenticles will regrow if injured. I would probably do a water change just in case it released anything into the tank. Good luck.

30-xtra high

Active Member
don't mean to be so harsh.. but i think it will surely die and you should take it out with a plastic container so it won't spread toxins all over your tank when it dies causing your tank to crash.. just my 0.02$


thats not harsh at all...
but...he did get re-attached to a rock and is s-l-o-w-l-y inflating...
im going to re-post in the morning to give updates...
...i feel horrible!


just watch him mine was cought up in a power head that the intake sponge had fell off. he lived looked horrible for some time but it recovered just keep an eye on it so if it does die you can take it out.


Active Member
My BTA got caught in a powerhead a few months back. I got him out a few minutes after it happened, but he did lose some tentacles. He was back to normal within a few weeks. Today he's 100%. Just keep an eye on him.
Did his foot get torn? If so, I think that can be a more serious injury.


Same thing happened to my first tank. Cept I didn't catch mine in time and it crashed. If you feel it's about to die, take it out before it poisons your tank, like 30-xtra said.


I did give him a night to observere any signs of life or any inflation....
...this morning when i looked....he was alive and uh...stickin'?
i still feel horrible.
but now that he "looks" alive...could he possibly still die or be dead?


Active Member
Any time an anemone is attached to a rock it is always good news. Just keep an eye out for him and wish for the best. Good Luck!! Sounds good so far. Did you do that water change? I strongly suggest this.