OH,NOOOOOOO,Emperor angel harassing clown


Just got a pair of tomato clowns and my emperor angel is harassing the crap out of them. Is it normal or should I be concerned?????


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylinn
Just got a pair of tomato clowns and my emperor angel is harassing the crap out of them. Is it normal or should I be concerned?????

How long have you had the angel? If you have had him for a while, then yes. Angels in general can be very territorial.


Active Member
Yes...he will kill the clowns if they dont leave his territory alone. I would watch them and make sure that they are following what the emperor is telling them. If not, then the clowns are doomed.


So thats it, I can no longer add any more even if he's the last one standing?????????????????????????????????????????????


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylinn
Now thats just aint right, so now what just wait it out and see how long they last????????

U could always catch them and take them back


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
U could always catch them and take them back
Right, try catching them before the angel kills them (if he is harassing them that much).


IM sure as know, with live rock its a pain but Im sure gonna give it a few hours They r just hiding in the corners and as soon as they come out they get chased.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylinn
IM sure as know, with live rock its a pain but Im sure gonna give it a few hours They r just hiding in the corners and as soon as they come out they get chased.
Sometimes it helps to rearrange the LR; it makes some fish re-establish their territory. But, large angels can often consider the whole "their territory"; and I've seen them just take a dislike to a particular new fish and not to others.. No set in stone rules, a lot depends on the individual fish. Usually tomato clowns can take care of themselves, if full grown. Juvis are another matter. I'm guessing they are small clowns from the same litter; because, unless they're truly a mated pair, 2 tomato clowns won't get along with each other either.


You know what< now that you mention it, the clowns did kinda fight and know they r in different corners. But the lfs said they were a pair


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylinn
You know what< now that you mention it, the clowns did kinda fight and know they r in different corners. But the lfs said they were a pair

How big are the clowns and were they in the same tank(and the only clowns in that tank) at the lfs? If not, they aren't a mated pair, just 2 fish.Also, is your Emperor still a juvi, or an adult. Adults are very difficult to "train"; but sometimes juvis can adapt to new tankmates they don't like at first. I've raised a couple emperors from juvi to adult and it has been one of my most rewarding experiences in this mad addiction. I now have a Hawaiian emperor, just starting to change, that I got from swf.c...the most magnificent young angel I've ever had.


Active Member
Nice set-up; an angel that size can easily pick his friends and may be at the point where he has all the company he can stand. IMO, iI doubt rearranging LR or anything else is going to help. I also think chances are he'll go after just about any newcomer. I've always felt that fish that gorgeous should d get their way anyhow. How long have you had the emperor?


Active Member
Is that your entire tank? How big is it? If what we see is what you have then it's way to small for the tangs, let alone the Angel. Then to add even more fish to it is just asking for trouble as you are now finding out. It's a nice looking tank though.
The rule of thumb when adding fish is add the least aggresive to the most aggresive being added last. I only have a Flame Angel, but he was still the last fish to be added. I have a Perc Clown pair and he doesn't bother them at all. Of course I have a 6' tank so they have their own space.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylinn
They were together with other fish. That angel is a real bully and I have other large fish

Looking at the size of the tank and how many fish are in it, I can see why the angel might be irritated.


have Angel for about 5 months. But even as the last one in, he still harassed the ones in there, and still now but not to the point for any concern


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylinn
have Angel for about 5 months. But even as the last one in, he still harassed the ones in there, and still now but not to the point for any concern
Large angels can certainly be that way, whether in there first or last. They are indeed very territorial fish. Once they get settled in, they can become real terrors to their tank mates.


Here's a little thing that worked for me: Take the angel out of the tank and put him in a diffrent tank for about two weeks. Allow the clowns to get used to the tank. Then put the angel back in. He is now the newcomer and will be confused and will most likely forget about the clowns as fish have very shoty attention spans. Good Luck