Oh, plleeezzz! More bubbles


Just when I thought I had it figured out...
More micro bubbles from hell...I changed some plumbing and went with a Quiet One 2200 pump...TADA! No more bubbles. Than I added a skimmer yesterday and every bubble I had worked so hard at eradicating for the last 2 weeks came BACK! The skimmer is a ProClear rated for a 75. The moveable spout that puts the water back in to the fuge I have draining back over the baffeling, however, I don't think that is where the bubbles are coming from...just can't find where. I don't see any real bubbles in the fuge, but they are coming into my DT through the pump. The pump and the skimmer are in the same section of the fuge as this is the only place for them. I am not positive I have the water level in the skimmer correct, though, because I can't tell where the water ends and the swirl of bubbles begins. So, for now, the top of the swirling bubbles is at the blue line on the skimmer that says " water level". Is the right? There is no doubt the bubbles are skimmer related...unplug it, bubbles go away...plug it back up, bubbles come back!
Also, I read somewhere it takes about 2 weeks for the skimmer to break in and that would eliminate bubbles...thoughts??? Ideas??? Please?


I had a Pro Clear running on my tank. Could not get rid of the bubbles. After almost a week of looking at a tank that was filled with what seemed like millions of these teeny tiny bubbles, I disconnected it and replaced it with a Remora C. Ta-da...no more bubbles! Sorry, wish I had constructive advice for you. Good luck.

aztec reef

Active Member
INAWE, the micro-bubbles are normal activity when adding a new skimmer, the reason is that the skimmer is getting used to whatever water quality you have(it takes anywhere from 48hrs to a week usually to break-in).
your water level should always be at the water line, or the water level will throw the skimmer off again..
try getting the water level to the appropiate line, NOT the Swirling bubbles..and see what happends.. you don't want a bunch of dirty water to be collected either(maybe at first ) but the best skimmate should be foamy..not watery.


Originally Posted by inawe
Alll I saw for the Remora is a hang-on. Do they make an in-sump?
Yes they do, I think it's the Urchin. Go to their website.