:jumping: :jumping: :cheer: i got some zoo's today they are brownish w/ green centers, the rock also has some feater dusters and other assorted polyps/algae. IT IS AWESOME!!!!:cheer: :jumping: :jumping:
lol yeah same here, I just got my tank all set up over the week end finnaly got it all filled, it is right behind my computer desk... so I find myself looking at that more then my computer, and all I have in there right now is some sand, rock and 2 raw shrimp......
my next purchuse is gunna be some kinda' shroom then a colt,some polyps stuff like that, who knows?
anyone have a pearl coral my lfs has them and say there ok, i just want some info.
not to steal your thread but Im working on some soft corals. I was wondering if kenya tree and finger leather were good ones? I was wondering if they will take over my tank or if they are good to start with?