OH you have got to be kidding me!


I don't even know how this happens - my urchin decided to grab my zoas and carry them on his back. i can't get these things off without ripping them i have NO idea what to do!!!


lol i had the same type or urchin ages ago. Really colorful specimen. He would bulldoze anything in the aquarium and anything small enough he would hitch on his back. One day i put a nori sheet in the tank for my tang and he stole and procceded to parade it around the tank with the tang chasing him for a meal. He would also pick up every hermit and conch i had and place them on his back. Here's a picture of the little jerk

I'll tell you this, after a while he would get bored and drop whatever he was carrying. I would say watch him over the next couple of days and see where he drops your zoo's. If anything he's great for propagating the zoo's all over the tank naturally.


I had a pink urchin for a while. What It didn't knock over it carried away. It ate all the coraline algae it could reach. It was a cool animal, but way more problems than it was worth. I had to trade it in at the lfs.


Active Member
That is kind of cool, I have thought above putting a little GSP on my Turbo snails backs to see a moving coral.

al mc

Active Member
Keri...The only good news I have for you is that this is one method that 'mother nature' uses to move around sesile invertebrates. Some of the Zoos will perish (sorry), but some will propogate in other areas of your tank. My urchins now live in my refugium because of their bulldozing ways.


Active Member
My tuxcedo has been carrying some GSP's for about a 8 months to a year, I can't remember it's been so long. They can be a pain in the butt sometimes, it is kind of funny.


i thought it'd be stressful to the zoas but they seem perfectly ok with their free ride!! this morning i had to stop him from trying to grab one of my hermits...the poor guy was clinging to this rock almost completely out of his shell while the urchin kept grabbing at the shell!! would've won too if i didn't break it up. never saw a hermit crab move so fast...


Active Member
Maybe you need to be feeding the urchin some frozen krill or something by hand or feeder stick or something. Maybe he is not getting enough to eat?? Lesley


Originally Posted by Lesleybird
Maybe you need to be feeding the urchin some frozen krill or something by hand or feeder stick or something. Maybe he is not getting enough to eat?? Lesley
oh he's got plenty to eat! and he's not eating them, just carrying them around...


Active Member
Originally Posted by KerriAnn
I don't even know how this happens - my urchin decided to grab my zoas and carry them on his back. i can't get these things off without ripping them i have NO idea what to do!!!

I think it's a girl and she just wanted to be pretty.


It don't look like the zoo's are concerned. They are nice and opened up. I think I'd let them ride around awhile and see what happens.


New Member
That's wild. I was looking at some urchins the other day. Not so sure now. Let us know when he drops em.