OHhh I got a new fishy cam ;)


Active Member
LOL its canon PRO body. It was the previous model..They have the 1DMKIII out now..I got this one for a good deal for $1800


Active Member
Man I was just looking for an underwater body for my Canon Rebel II (film) but for the price I might as well buy a dive camera. I was hoping I could get one for like 200 bucks or something but no luck. They are all well over a grand so I guess no new fishy camera for me (sniff sniff)... Nice camera by the way, wish I could get one.


Active Member
they make underwater housings that are cheaper..they are not the hard plastic contoured one like you where probably looking at. they are more of a bag type


Active Member
yea once I learn how to use it..it is COMPLETELY different then my 30D all the setting sand functions are moved around and all kinda things to learn. its like trying to learn all over again. So probably take me a few hours to figure it all out