Ohhhh NO!!!!! What should I do? Need Advice quick


My hippo tang in my display tank has come down with ICH and I have already started the Hypo treatment. I have the ICH thingy under control, that's somewhat the problem here.
I ordered from SWF.com a Flame angel fish and some inverts. Though I'm doing my QT of the ICH in another tank because the display tank has ICH, can I place my Inverts in the display tank even though it has ICH? I have feather dusters and Pep. shrimp and some crabs coming. I don't think that Inverts like that can get ICH right?
MY MAIN QUESTION IS, what in the world do I do with the Flame Angel? I can't put him in my Display tank because it's only been 4 days since the ICH broke out.
I can't put him in the QT tank because the Salinity is at 1.009.
So what do I do?
I have a 10gal upstairs with just some snails and a Blue Damsel in there. I would hate to put him in there with the damsel.
Do I setup another tank (rubbermaid) and slowly acclimate him to 1.009 and put him in the QT tank with the other fish?
Will that stress out the Diseased tang to much?
I contacted SWF and told them to HOLD my order, but for some reason they shipped it.
Please help?

debbie g

What if you just put a divider between the angel and the blue damsel temporarily? Not a lot of room for either, but at least you'd give him a chance *shrug*


I'm thinking I may just try and give the damsel to the local fish store. Though he's been with me for 5 years, he's a pain in my A$$ now.
Divider isn't a bad idea.
My 10 gallon that has the damsel isn't the pefect setup, but it may work for the 4 weeks while my main tank becomes ICH free.
10 gallon with snails, heater, and hang on filter.
No skimmer, but as long as I keep the water changes weekly it shouldn't be a major problem right?
Any other ideas?


Don't worry about your inverts. They can't get ich. Leave the display fishless for a month. Then it'll be safe to add fish to the display.


Start raising the salinity of the QT, which I assume contains the tang. Do this by transferring some of the cycled-water from the display supplemented with your normal water source.
Transfer any inverts you have in the display into the QT. Move the tang back into the display.
Put your new inverts into the QT, which now has normal salinity.
Acclimate your new angel into the display, which also has normal salinity.
Wait 24-48 hr. to give your tang and angel a chance to adjust to each other.
Then start the hypo on the display.


great suggestion on moving everything over to the QT.
737mech is right, By Hypoing my Display with the LR and Sandbed, it will kill everything on the LR and Sandbed. I would have to transfer the LR and Sanbed over to the QT tank.
Though I don't think my Sandbed is to alive right now. It's only a month old and I didn't seed it with anything, besides LR.
So I'm my situation, I would have to slowly start bringing the salinity up in my QT back to 1.025, then move all my inverts and LR to the QT. Move my fish into the display, then start the hypo process over in the Display.
Meanwhile, I leave the New Flame Angel in the QT with the inverts.
Not a bad idea, but.... Do you think the Angel will surviave in 10 gallon tank for 4 weeks? I'm thinking so. I'm guessing they survive in a very small aq. at the LFS's around the world huh? I'll just give up the damsel or put him in a rubbermaid container until I can take him to the LFS or until I can put the Flame into my display.
Thanks for all the suggestions, keep them coming.


If you're putting the angel in the 10 with the damsel, wait to see how they react before you take your damsel away. I put my new angel in the display today and there are 2 damsels in there that have been there for 4 weeks. They are not bothering the angel at all. JM2C


i just checked by again, and let me tell you. . . you are missing my main point!!!!
I hope you get this post.
You do not want to put the angel in the 10g QT!!!!
You raise the QT salinity, like I said, with the tang in it, before the arrival of the new critters!
Transfer the tang back into the display. Both tanks are matched in chemical make-up as best as you can do.
The new angel goes into the display with the tang. You are going to hypo both of them in the display. Forget about the LS. Who cares, you want to save your main fish. Your display is normal for the fish, then you start the hypo. The concept of a QT is not valid here.
If you have some pretty LR, with showroom growth, drop it into your QT, which has normal salinity. At this point your 2 tanks match in chemistry. If you have dull LR, forget about it.
Tangs and angels are sensitive and smart fish. A 10g will kill them!!!!
That is the entire point of my post. Hypo your 55g main tank with your prize fish. Keep the QT without fish for 5 weeks, at normal salinity.
My theory involves quickly matching the two tank's salinity, then doing a hypo on your main, while your "QT" houses inverts and showroom liverock. Please say you get it. If you don't, let me know.


The common perception is that you QT fish before they go into your main tank. This is an accurate perception.
But what you call a QT, and what you call a display tank does not matter to your fish. So you can manipulate your tanks, to benefit all your critters!!!!!!
Another important point. Perhaps the most important. Fish are high on the evolutionary ladder. They adjust. And even if they are not ick invested, they can easily deal with a hypo, provided you follow SWF.com recommended procedure.
So you are doing a hypo on a tang with ick, and an angel, without ick. (The angel may have ick, but is not showing.)
Essentially, you are being smart. Your 55g is a big happy fish QT, under hypo.
And your inverts are in a normal 10g.


if it first worked for me. Slowing the process is what you are trying to accomplish, to keep the all your critters in the best possible situation.
Tangs and angels need space. Doing a hypo on a tang or an angel in a 10g is bad SW practice.
There are no foolproof methods here. But let common sense rule. SW fish, whether they have ick, or not, can easily tolerate a proper hypo, in a big tank.
What certain species can't tolerate is confinement. Go to the fish purchase pages if you do not believe me. Stress is a side effect of small tank confinement. Most tang and angel purchases recommend a 50g tank. How are these fish going to feel in a 10g hypo? Conclusion?
Hypo you main tank. (Move sensitive rock and inverts out.)
(But take the time to acclimate your fish to adjusted tanks.)
Think about what I have said. Re-read hypo info. Evaluate your situation. Formulate a strategy. Save your ecosystems.
Think outside the box.
Long live SWF.com.


Hypos are not short term situations. The ultimate goal is to establish big tank friendship. If a proper hypo establishes a connection between a tang and an angel, with no ick . . .
I say go for it.
Avoid the 10g confinement.
I promote big tank hypos.


I used to have a 10 gal QT. I curently have a 20 gal long running. I plan on getting a tang sometime this year. He will go in Qt and then into 110 gal display. There isn't enough swim space in a 10 for a tang that's why I switched.
Your life in your LR will be killed in hypo. I've got all kinds of stars,worms,etc. in my rock. Given your difficult situation, doing hypo in your 55 would probably be best. Be careful how fast you raise you SG in your QT before you put the fish back in 55. Then move LR into Qt.


Sorry I should i mentioned that the Tang and CLOWN FISH are being Hypoed in a 39 gallon tank and not the 10 gallon.
The 10 gallon is for my incoming flame angel until the parisite dies in my 55 gallon (4 weeks) and until my ICH has been cleared in my normal QT tank which is housing the Tang and 2 clowns.
I think I'll take jwtrojan44 advise and remove the damesel from the 10 gallon, and place the flame in there until I can safely place him in my display.
I'm calling the fish store today, even if they don't give me store credit, I'll just give the little devil to them :)
Thanks everybody, it's been a great help.