Originally Posted by
The price of a barrel of oil and the price of a gallon of gas are not 100% locked to each other. Although we generally see the price of a barrel rising as the price of a gallon rises, the two are not always changing in perfect relation to each other.
Just because oil costs 1/5 what it did 6 months ago doesn't mean that gas will cost 1/5 as much. Remember that once oil is pulled out of the ground, it has to go through processing, transportation, and retailing costs that remain fixed no matter what the oil costs. All this adds to the prices.
Lest we all forget several months ago when the cost of a gallon of gas was dropping much faster than the price of a barrel of oil....
People need to get away from this "record profits" wealth-envy. The oil companies are making record profits because the consumers are buying oil in record amounts. It's as plain as that. To think that the oil companies should cut their profits in order to reduce the price of gas, just because it would be "a nice thing to do" is absolute madness.
The bottom line is that people PAY the higher prices. They don't, in general, reduce their driving or make any substantial effort to curb their gas usage - at least not enough to affect the price to anyone's satisfaction. Demand goes up, so does price. We all whine about these big evil oil companies, but we still buy the products, at those prices.
AMEN, SCSInet! It would be a wonderous thing if 99.9% of the US popluation were to take a couple economics classes. I have stopped reading most everything and replying to everything all together because (no offense meant to anyone, promise!
) everyone thinks they know how evil so and so is, or how dirty they are for selling something we need. If you don't like paying $5 a gallon, get a bike!
Sorry, had to get that one out. It's been months since I replid to anything here.