OJ Simpson wants to do a REALITY SHOW

cptn howdy

no joke. he wants it to be like that "Punkd" show. he wants to pull pranks on people but instead of them getting punkd, they get "juiced".
see for yourself if you don't believe me. don't forget to scope the great and respectful comments he makes about nicole & her family too.
i can't believe nobody hasn't assassinated this guy yet. 10 years and nothin. i mean......john lennon, jfk, ghandi....but the dude that gets away with murder in fronna the entire nation and still has the odacity to make a face like this:

gets to have a reality show.


Active Member
it will be network suicide. But if they are dumb enough to put him on TV, they should loose their shirts. I am sick of some of these shows.
OJ needs to just hide out for the rest of his days. He got away with murder and your right, I am surpirsed someone hasn't tried to get him.

cptn howdy

i wonder how the nation and media would react if someone offed him. i mean, we'd all be like "whoa that really sucks." but, EVERYONE, would be sayin "yyyyyES!!!!" deep down inside. it'd be some interesting coverage, i can say that for sures.


Active Member
That's it, I'm building a bomb shelter.
If this happens it will be the first horse of the Apocalypse.


I’m no attorney, just your average (well maybe more screwed up than most) citizen, and I got to tell you, that was the most open and shut case I have ever seen. The only thing they didn’t have was a video of him actually brutally murdering those poor people. I have a feeling that even if they did have one, THAT jury still would have found him not guilty. I saw a few minutes of his TV interview the other night and I said to my wife “ why the hell is that guy still going on TV and still maintaining this LIE”
He got away with a double MURDER for crying out loud! That MOFO deserves the same fate as his victims. And he’s got the nerve to be talking about wanting his own TV show?
What the heck?!?!?
That guy irks me off almost as much as those hooded butt wipes that beheaded Berg in Iraq.
How low can the entertainment industry go if they actually give this murdering *&%$#(a TV show?
Rant off
Edited for family viewing (thank you reef)



Originally posted by Reef_Magic
hey mod......i bet i can guess what post will be deleted next :thinking:

Read it again. No naughty words now.:)



Originally posted by lovethesea
He got away with murder and your right, I am surpirsed someone hasn't tried to get him.

Direct TV did! Its a shame when you can get away with murder, but not stealing tv reception!
Originally posted by MorayM
That's it, I'm building a bomb shelter.
If this happens it will be the first horse of the Apocalypse

Originally posted by SBSB

I’m no attorney, just your average (well maybe more screwed up than most) citizen, and I got to tell you, that was the most open and shut case I have ever seen. The only thing they didn’t have was a video of him actually brutally murdering those poor people. I have a feeling that even if they did have one, THAT jury still would have found him not guilty.

Thats the sad part, regardless of the facts in the case, defense brought up by the legal dream team, the jury still decided that he was innocent. Jururs have more power than the president of the US, its a shame that we've forgotten that juries have the RIGHT to judge even the facts presented for the case. Regardless of what law is passed, no one can ever be convicted for violating it if jurors refuse to convict as their constitutional right.
Oh well, I doubt that he'll actually get the show, and if he did it would likely be on MTV or some other organization dedicated to corrupting enslaving people.