ok about fish


New Member
ok i got a 125gal tank all cycled and ready to go got a few dam in there and a arrow crab and some peperment shrimp all yeah about 100lb of live rock ok about fish i want a peaceful tank i want a pair of morron clowns but try to find them what kind of fish are good to go into a tank nothing mean all yeah and i want a eel any ideas please any help would be nice


If this is going to be a reef tank, forget the EEL. It will eat those shrimp, and anything else it can catch.
If you want a peacefull tank, get rid of the damsels, they get aggressive and territorial.


New Member
ok no reef just live rock and the eel is going into one of my 55 and i want a pair of clowns any other ideas for my tank


Active Member
for an eel thats peaceful go snowflake the realy dont bother many fish unless they are realy tiny and can fit in his mouth and they are reef safe suposedly thats what i have read at least


Active Member
for a 55 gal yes very bad he will get to be a big eel 4 ft or longer.must remember he is a morray and will eat your other fish if you want one for sure must have one even make the 55 gal a peaceful tank and house the banana eel in the larger tank


Active Member
I havent been able to find anything listed as a banana eel in either one of my fish books as a reference to growth cycle but i looked up the chart and tangs can live with eels so it says id suggest something on the large side to detour feeding on it


i havent been able to find a boi on the banana eel either, but if its 8 in, i would say the tang needs to be at least 5" to be safe.


New Member
ok the girl up at the pet store said it an eel and it looks like one lol its a reef safe eel not that cheap either i found it on the web the other day let me look to see if i can find it again


Active Member

Originally posted by gotclowns
ok the girl up at the pet store said it an eel and it looks like one lol its a reef safe eel not that cheap either i found it on the web the other day let me look to see if i can find it again

i have seen the banana eel for sale on this site ,but none of my books or any searches i do for one gives the scientific name .this eel seems to be one the stores named because they have no clue what kind it accually is.just a hunch