ok agressive experts help me out


Ok i have a community reef tank, 45 gallons, not exact on lr lbs but i know alot
1 clown fish, lmb, sixline wrasse, yellow angel, mated chalk basslets
varity of coral but more concered of my clams/scallops
If i were to purchase a zebra dwarf fuzzy lionfish from my local lfs would i be able to house it without a feeding frenzy?
or should i just forget about it?
if number of fish is a problem i can always remove some to my 10 gallon to make room.
any opinions would be great


Active Member
I'm not sure what you would put in a 10 gallon to where it would be comfortable. I also think your maxed on fish already. The lion will eat whatever it can get in it's mouth -- your clams would be safe IMO


You misunderstood me............the reef fish would be moved, and the lionfish would replace them not the other way around


the lion fish should not mess with your clams... i'd move your other fish... although the other fish would be uncomfortable in a 10g nano size tank... but i guess uncomfortable is better than eaten since lion fish would try and eat whatever he could fit in his mouth.


i was the lfs today just checking things out... they had 2 lion fish... one volition lion black and other one that was red... i do know if hte read one was a dwarf or voli b/c they did not lable it... i liked the red one... one thing i noticed that forgot about is that lions do NOT swim a lot... so tank space i personally think is not as important as other fish that are frequent swimmers... actually they were kinda boring since they basically just float in one spot... although they are still cool to look at... i may get one sometime in the future but probibly not for a while, since I have other fish on my list first...haha


so i could actually fit more than one in a 45 gallon tank?
thanks for the info but if i would have to move all of the fish im not interested no matter how cool they look.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef_Dart21
You misunderstood me............the reef fish would be moved, and the lionfish would replace them not the other way around
But I thought you said you were moving the reef fish.....
I'm confused.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
But I thought you said you were moving the reef fish.....
I'm confused.
lol ok i confused myself their
what i ment was i would move SOME reef fish to make room but not all of them.
the breakdown is, im giving up putting the lionfish in my reef tank and if u read my other thread i am looking for a fihs for a 10 gallon


K dont mean to sound rude but i noticed at first you said dwarf and then in a later post siad volitans dont even think about getting a volitans they get way to big way to quick and IMO your tank is way to small for a dwarf jsut because it will fit doesnt mean it should. I had a dwarf zebra that was in a 110 pred tank and with a regular feeding schedule it quickly became the largest fish in the tank (he was the smallest when he went in) his final size when the tank crashed was about a foot not exactly something you would want in a 45


Active Member
I have to respectfully disagree. First off, if your dwarf zebra was a foot... it was ID'd improperly. Dwarfs do not get that big... not even at the Public Aquarium were they have King Kong size everything.
A dwarf would fit in a 45 quite nicely, even as an adult, IME. I currently own 3 but have had 5 over time. This isn't just a matter of him fitting in there.... he just doesn't require anything bigger, IME.
The point is moot because the OP changed his mind, but I figured we could use the thread to discuss it anyways :)


Active Member
to my understanding a zebra will get a little bigger then a fuzzy but no where near a foot...someones dwarf was missed ID'd..
i saw two fu man chu's at my lfs yesturday...so tempting....


Active Member
Originally Posted by aquaguy24
to my understanding a zebra will get a little bigger then a fuzzy but no where near a foot...someones dwarf was missed ID'd..
i saw two fu man chu's at my lfs yesturday...so tempting....
My zebra was bigger than the fuzzies.
How big were the Fu's? I'm going to take a look today. I've been looking for one.
Good timing too if they look good.... a QT just opened up a couple of weeks ago :)


New Member
I put in a Volitan, about 6" at purchase, in my 75 gallon tank which also housed 1 adult yellow tang, 1 adult polychromis, 3 juvenile domonos, 3 yellow fin damsels, 1 coral beauty, 2 clowns and a couple of "trash" fish who will remain only fond memories. This was about 8 weeks ago. I was very concerned in that the lion fish simply would not eat any sort of frozen food. I introduced an occasional feeding of ghost shirimp or guppies, and indeed, the lion did start eating. The trouble is, he hasn't stopped since the introduction of live food. The other remaining inhabitants in the tank also have converted to live food eaters. I never thought a tang could be so aggressive! The dominoes are the scarriest. One has grown to about the size of the adult tang, which has to be an anomally, but accompaning his rapid growth, he's become very aggressive. The lion fish stays clear of the domino, if you can believe that.
Only the damsels and trash fish have fallen prey to the lionfish, however the coral beauty is questionable, and rarely ventures out of her hiding place. When it comes to live feeding, the lion will eat everything I put in and then some, but the other inhabitants compete for the grub, in a more and more aggressive manner. Yikes, I wish I had never introduced live feeding.
I have set up a separate "menu" tank, so I always have an abundant source of various blue plate specials (some of which are notably larger than the conventional ghost shrimp or standard guppy), but I'm wondering if there's something I can do to initiate the lion to eat some frozen food, and greatly reducing the number of live feedings. I now feed live about every 4 days, (frozen or pellet for the others every 2 days) and I probably overfeed in the live feedings. The lion eats everything introduced that the others don't scarf, and he then retreats with a belly that looks like a mongolphier hot air baloon, to his usual perch, upside down in a corner, head facing the bottom of the tank...looking for more prey. Oh yes, I forgot to mention lions do grow fast, this 6" little beauty is now over 8". All in 8 weeks!
Any chance I can reverse or at least curb this guttony?