and fifteen thousand gallons of water.
yes I said 15,000 gallons. I'm planning on doing this when I buy a house in 10 years. How long could I keep the black tip shark before handing it over to the Monterey bay aquarium?
Any one know where I can get a chunk of live rock that big?
I think I'll need a license for this XD
No worries about leakage because it'll be over 1.5 foot thick cement
Not to crush on your fantasy but you may want to take a basic math class before you try shark keeping. 10x10x20 is a TALL tank, not long. Measurments read as follows: length x width x height. This tank would not work with 10 foot ceilings. Out.......
Originally Posted by slowburn22
Not to crush on your fantasy but you may want to take a basic math class before you try shark keeping. 10x10x20 is a TALL tank, not long. Measurments read as follows: length x width x height. This tank would not work with 10 foot ceilings. Out.......
You don't have to be a smart alec about it... =/
I think I'll scale way down and make an 1800 g 5x10x5 tank instead.
Large Freshwater fish Here I come!
Freshwater? :notsure: Not a lot of big fresh water fish that I know of unless you do a huge catfish or some basses. You can still have a huge reef, which would probably cost around the same for all that live rock, or some smaller sharks and some rays.