Ok coral people help me out!!!!



ok so i order some corals off the site and i ordered a capricornis and it say they are grown under 250 10k bulbs. well my tank has brand new sunpod 250w 14k lighting will it work....


ok well it was something that i was in love with so i got it and a torch a colt and my grandmother a birds nest she is getting the same lighting that i have i hope it will work in that to?? but i got a email with a bunch of stuff so i got a lot..

naclh2o nut

What size tank? With 250 w you should be good to go with any coral.

Worry more about fiteration, flow, calcium, and water quality.


its a 125g and i have a 4 and 3 blower on it theres enough flow. i add calcium each day cuz it part of my coral feed that i do. and water quality stays good all the time. fiteration i have some now but the more the better is the way i see it so i am going to get more....

naclh2o nut

I am looking at a torch right now at my LFS. It is about 4 heads for $40. Is that in the area that you paid? I am curios of the going price?


well i got mine off of here and i paid about 44 so ya.. i pay 40 at the lfs..


So one 250 is enough for a 125gallon tank? I am going to run a 250w on my 40breeder with t5's. Are you sure one 250w is enough for a 125? I saw a 180 the other day and he was running a 250w on his 45g refuguim.
I tell you the more I read the more confused I get. Just for the record I am not being a smart azz.


Originally Posted by TAD
So one 250 is enough for a 125gallon tank? I am going to run a 250w on my 40breeder with t5's. Are you sure one 250w is enough for a 125? I saw a 180 the other day and he was running a 250w on his 45g refuguim.
I tell you the more I read the more confused I get. Just for the record I am not being a smart azz.
How many watts do you have total on your 40 breeder? I just put a 156w T-5 on my 40.

naclh2o nut

Originally Posted by TAD
So one 250 is enough for a 125gallon tank? I am going to run a 250w on my 40breeder with t5's. Are you sure one 250w is enough for a 125? I saw a 180 the other day and he was running a 250w on his 45g refuguim.
I tell you the more I read the more confused I get. Just for the record I am not being a smart azz.
NO, a M/H will light up a 2' x 2' area. So if your 125 is 6' you will need three.
My 90 is 4' and I have two 150's.


ya sorry my lights are 3 250's... and nacih20 i am with u on that whole stand thing i had a 90 before my 125 and it was twp tall i had to have a step stool to just reach the bottom of the tank and i am 6' 4' so it was huge and there was not room to work like that... my corals should be here monday or tuesday..


Originally Posted by MR.reef
its a 125g and i have a 4 and 3 blower on it theres enough flow. i add calcium each day cuz it part of my coral feed that i do. and water quality stays good all the time. fiteration i have some now but the more the better is the way i see it so i am going to get more....
You need to maintane your alk, cal,and mag. Cal is not part of coral food. What are you using that you think maintanes your cal? Also if you listed your params it would best. Also what does this mean "fiteration i have some now but the more the better is the way i see it so i am going to get more..."


i will be able to get my params by monday or tuseday.. calcium i asked at the lfs and he gave me some stuff said it would work. and i have to hang on the back that can keep up to a 200 gallon now but i can a canster filter to but i have to get the money for it first.


ok i know this is off my coral subject but my grandmother has a tank and it has brown spots on the front. i have a mag.a.float. but it wont take them off..