ok day 9: clown will not eat!!!!


ok well ive had my black clown for 9 days now and he hasnt eaten anything (maybe a flake or 2) ive tried brine, frozen marine cuisine, flake, and formula one pellets, he will usually take it in his mouth and spit it back out.... should i be worried??? i mean is this normal ... please help... i dont want my fish to die!
:help: :help:


Have you tried any LIVE foods? Live mysis or live brine or live black worms? Many fish just wont try dead stuff at first. Once they get to eating, they cant stop.
but, it worries me he hasnt been more enthusiastic in trying foods. Are there other fish in your tank that do eat? Usually the new fish follow the example of the oldsters and start fending for themselves. Did this fish eat at your LFS?? I always have them give my fish food and make sure they are eating before I bring the home, then if they are eating something different that what I have in the fridge, I buy whatever they are eating at that time. Good luck with your fish-Oh, have you tried soaking your food in Zoe/Zoecon first? It adds something to the fish that makes them go crazy to eat!


Active Member
Ha lo
I had the same issue. I tried all the frozen--mysis, marine cuisine, brine.....They were not having any part of it.

I bought some live brine and they started to eat a little.

Next, I soaked marine cuisine in garlic extreme for 15 mins.....

Now I have regular little pigs....oink oink oink.


New Member
I have all the fancy food and garlic + a dozen more the small clown eats but the larger clown will not eat at all. :help:


My clown was doing the same thing and none of my lfs sell live foods or garlic xtreme. After trying many frozen options I discovered he will eat frozen blood worms pretty well. At least its a start....