ok for flame angel?


Active Member
wow i thought this was a thread for a flame angel....Good job ladies, nice hi-jack. Thats what email is for. Argue somewhere else.
you have much to learn young skywalker :D


Active Member
ive been around for awhile and it just bugs me when people hi jack threads and start their own arguments in them. Im stopping now, because im sure this is just a waste of my time, that and I dont want to be a hipocrite.


New Member
If you like flame angels, toss it in the tank see how he goes.
If he adapts then great, if not send him back to the LFS or release him into the ocean.
Don't sweat these decisions, it is your tank, it's your money and it's your time.
Alot of these "amatuer saltwater scientists" want to dictate the how, why, when and where everyone should set up their tanks.
I have spent hundreds of dollars on my tank, right here on SWF.com and making mistakes and losing fish is all part of the hobby.
I do not see people complaining about the dead fish in the supermarket.
Good luck with your Flame Angel and let us know how he did and whether he survived the first month.


New Member
I am a serious dork and a troll, I do not appologize and hope you guys , ...............................N/M
I am going to just go and pick my nose a while, only because if I tell what I am really going to pick they would delete this thread.


Active Member
yeah umm mixing salt water in your tank is the most ingenius idea i have ever read! Werent you the one posting about a NEMO TANK? Its funny that everything you post about you put in caps, when you know these are heated topics on the board. How about this, go bug people elsewhere. Your antagonizing comments arent wanted on the board..well at least to me. Go sell crazy some place else, were all full here.


FYI spearfish. I have yet to meet a petstore owner who likes to recieve sold goods back. If you don't feel you can take care of any animal purchased, don't buy it.
As for the flame. Mine loves lettuce as a supplement for algae. Though feeding dark greens is better than those such as iceberg lettuce that have no nutritional value. try romain or spinach. Also I might waite a few months before putting the flame in just to let some algae get established. And again go for the smallest one you can find, they are very active swimmers.


Active Member
I guess us amateur saltwater scientists are all wrong, and save innocent fish their lives because we research proven methods. YUP!


Active Member
wow that was a long ways back, when the first argument started:p
Oh well, gotta have comedy somehow.


I started the thread, and Im ending it!!
There done, no more, the end, fin, terminated!!!!
If someone posts a message after mine, I'm going to personally drive to your house and take a huge dump in your aquarium and watch all your fish die from the huge ammonia spike. And trust me I''m from Texas and these Mexicans can make one hellova mean burrito.


Active Member
seriously guys, he is right, tap water and table salt(i hear) is best for an aquarium. and if you cannot get table salt any salt substitue should be fine
NOT, do not use either in your tank, PLEASE. Tap water can work(at best, it can but not the best AND most of the time it can be detrimental), but 99.99999999999999999999999% of the time it has impurities of some type in ther that should not be in a sw tank, at all.
and just a disclaimer there, table salt would be a very bad idea. That is one that will NOT work, or even get by at all.