OK! Here is my 110 list!


Active Member
1-Volitin Lion
1-Miniata (pronunciation?) Grouper
1-Sohol Tang
1-Clown Trigger
1-Dragon Moray (Japanese)
-I will get all at the same time hopefully. EVEN WITH my employee discount, I still have to shell out a few hundred bux for that dragon moray. Opinions on this setup??:happyfish


New Member
Dragons are awesome, expensive & not easy to find! I'm not sure if that pic is stock or your acutal eel, if you have the eel, please post pics of it, they ROCK !!!!!!!
very nice. i also would not add all the fish at the same time. Id add the tang first. then the lion and the eel, then the grouper then the trigger. My miniata grouper was always kinda shy, and some lions might be shy when they are with triggers. so Id add all the less aggressive fish before the trigger. be careful too b/c it is not advised to keep a trigger and a lion.


Active Member
More than likely your trigger will eventually harass and possibly kill your lion. Also make sure none of the fish are large enough for the eel to get his jaws around. Other than that, nice list.
I've only seen one in person, it was a Hawaiian Dragon that was about three feet long and the guy wanted 300 for it. Dragons and Viper morays have to be the coolest eels IMO.
I havent seen on in a tank, but I saw two when I dove in hawaii. Their amazing! If it ever happens to bite you, dont pull your hand back! that will just dig its teeth deeper. If you look in the pic their teeth are set back so when you react (pull back) you screw yourself!


Both clown tang and sohal will get way tooooo big for a 110gal tank. These two are two of the most active swimmers of all tang family. I wouldnt add two tangs in a110gal and it would be a yellow, purple or a kole