ok heres another thread

will these fish be safe together?
1 majestic rabbit
1 hippo tang
1 dwarf lion
2 clowns
could i also get a cleanup crew???


Active Member
I see nothing wrong with it. I do'nt know what a magestic rabbit is so i'm not going to work that in to the proportion.
If you get the two clownfish together at the same time... make sure you buy that around 3 inches or so. Then wait a LONG time and get the algae to bloom. Onc eyou do so... get a lawnomwer blenny. HTere's one that was at my LFS that was four inches long (it looked bigger). THen after a while add the lionfish.
Now, not to intrude on ur threat but what is a magestic rabbit?


Active Member
i would not put the clowns and dwarf together because lets say the clowns are 3-4 in. full grown the dwarf lion will be 6 in. so they may be food even full grown i wouldnt do it it might work for a bit but eventually:(