Ok, how many snails? Hermits?


How many/what type of snails for a CUC in a 29 gal FOWLR tank? Can i also have hermits and how many? It looks like from other posts i've read here, that if you have too many hermits they can get hungry and eat the snails? Do the other types of crabs do that too? (i was looking at emerald crabs and/or hermits). Thanks in advance!


Active Member
I have only 2 hermits in my tank. When they die that will be it. Personally I think they cause too many problems. I would start out with about 8-10 snails if I were you. Alot will have to do with your bioload and such. I am also a fan of the conchs. If your are still seeing algea then you can add a few more. Don't get all the same kind, IMO I like to have a variety in there. Certain snails can prefer different algaes.


I would add snails and hermits slowly, say a couple at a time. Watch you alge growths and if its hard so see any then you have the right amount of snails. Hermits are, in my opnion really just for cleaning up uneaten food. You can get the same effect with a cleaner shrimp or two. I have had emerald crabs before but there wasnt enough alge growth for them to survive because of the snails. I have a 55gal and i have about 6 or 7 snails in there and that seems to be right for my tank. I used to have a few more but i guess they didnt get enough food. I also have about 4 blue leg hermits, there were many more but only the strong survive. Oh and my blue legs killed my scarlet hermits
they were much more pretty but didnt move around much.


So, add snails and crabs slowly...got it. Anybody have luck with a Sally Lightfoot? Are they difficult to keep alive? will they attack snails, assuming there is enough to eat?


i cant keep both snails and hermits in my tank... the hermits murder all of the snails. i would go with a handful of nass snails to keep the sandbed clean, some turbo's for the glass and rocks, and maybe an emerald crab or two.. they dont seem to bother the snails much.