OK, I give...I am getting rid of my CC


So where can I get the best deal on the sand I need...given that I am throwing away $50 worth of crushed coral....I need the best economical option
next, i will be told to trash my glass tank for acrylic

j/k all, wouldnt have know it was bad without ya
p.s. tank is new and LR gets here tomorrow.....


Active Member
You can actually buy some cheap play sand and just seed it with a cupful of sand from an established tank, if your lfs has some. I think their is a certain kind of play sand you need to get though. I used all LS so I'm not sure. I'm sure someone else will know though.


I made the switch too!!! I think it was the best thing i could have done besides getting live sand in the first place. My parameters are right on now. They where jumping around alot when i had the CC!


where are you guys getting this sand that is cheap and safe to use. the idea of cheap sand, then buying a pound from my lfs and mxing them sounds better....i am trying to approach this hobby with an open wallet....but if its just as good and cheaper, then thats what i will do


Active Member
Since I changed my sand, two of my friends are doing the same thing and they have had their tanks for years where I have had mine for 6 months. I bought 60 lbs of live sand off the internet since ALL of my LFS stores sell crushed coral. What's funny about that is my favortie LFS uses sand in their tanks. They said that they are about to sell sand which is good since will I need another bag at some point in time.