Those four in there together would be fine. I'd suggest a clearfin/radiata lion instead of the more common volitan though. Be sure to get an Austrailian tusk. They are much hardier and more colorful, plus you don't have to worry about cyanide. With the eel and grouper, you will want to have a good bit of liverock, and the lion and wrasse will also use it to varying degrees. The largest miniata I've seen personally was only about 6", but have seen pictures of specimens around 8". If the 105 is 4', the max sizes you are looking at are 36" for the eel (bioload isn't as heavy though), 8" for the grouper, 8" for the lion, and probably about 6" for the wrasse. These fish don't get that big overnight though. I'd suggest starting off with everything about half of the size they will grow to. You will want a good wet/dry system and a heavy duty protein skimmer. You could also do a refugium, it is up to you. A UV sterilizer isn't a must, but if you have the extra $$$, it is a good thing to have. Do some more reading and ask questions! Hope this helps. Bo