OK i have a chance to buy a 90gal or keep 55 gal.


unless you go bigger if you could fit a 55 then to a 90 y not a 110 all it is is you are comming fwd from the wall then you can fit a 40breder as a frag tank under and do so much more. so a 4 foot tank is what you have to stay with?
I my self i wouldnt do it, i went from a 10 to a 36 to a 40 cube to a 55 to a 90 to a 125 to a 235 and now i want a biger tank. so a 55 to a 90 is not much of a jump take it from me it is not worth it you will want to go biger if you are addicted like i am!! A 90 will not do.
and when you get things for your tank i always think well that skimmer might be 2 big for this tank but i will always think about a biger tank. so now when i buy something i get it bigger and faster brighter than the tank i am using it on. a 110 is 4 feet from side to side it is bigger than the 90 from front to back and taller than the 90 if you got the lights for your 55 bigger ie in 250 m/h and not the small one and got the skimmer the one that runs a 55 to a 125 then you would be good to go. JMO


I saw that you found a tank in the classified section. I hope you get it!

Just a little tip....Don't put your email address on the message board. Spammers will pick it up from places like this. You would be better off leaving a note saying you are interested and that you are sending a private message. Then private message the seller letting them know again that you are interested. You can leave the seller your email in the private message. Its just safer.
If you have not already done so, I would go ahead and private message the seller.
Good luck! I'm rooting for you!


hahah thanks yea i hope i can find one insted of letting my LFS rip me off. How do i send a private message hahah i feel like a noob saying that!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KurtyMac
hahah thanks yea i hope i can find one insted of letting my LFS rip me off. How do i send a private message hahah i feel like a noob saying that!
You have to be a registered member for 14 days before you get PM priviledges.


There might be an easier way, but I click on private message at the top right corner under where it says welcome. Then on the left side I click send message. Fill in the user name of the person you are trying to send the message to and then type the message. If there is an easier way, maybe someone will chime in and help you out. That will work for now though!


there we go ahhahaaaaahah, i was like ok eather im missing something or im just going to look really dumb right now asking this. haha


Originally Posted by nina&noah
There might be an easier way, but I click on private message at the top right corner under where it says welcome. Then on the left side I click send message. Fill in the user name of the person you are trying to send the message to and then type the message. If there is an easier way, maybe someone will chime in and help you out. That will work for now though!
Disregard this! I just discovered that all you have to do is move your mouse over the person's name and there is a link to send a private message. I'm a dork!!!!


ahha np, yea i just have to wait a bit more then. I want to use my 55 stand when i get the new tank, cause the colors match my room, but its just not going to cut it grrrrrrr


ok so idk if im going to do that tank wit my lfs aahha. He wants 1250 in cash and my brand new coral life power compact. HE was going to sell me 90 gal with a small sump and pump with filter box. That has metal halid lights by coral life. OH and its all already used equipment.


ahhahah, yea i already found a really nice 90 that matchs my room with a really good sump and pump for 400 haha. Now i just have to worry about a light. im gonn see if the guy will throw it in.


Ok guys so i picked out a tank and stuff. Its about 700-800 bucks but it looks awsome and its expensive cherry wood.
This is what it comes with.
Tank Stand: A 90 Gallon Cherry Veneer, Black Side. Note: Slight Water Damage on back side, wet/dry filter overflowed once, does NOT affect structure of the stand.also has a hood that goes on top i forgot to take picture.
Filter: Wet/Dry trickle filter with pump and plumbing Model #2, pump is model 12 B utility pump.
Dimensions: 48" Long x 24" Wide x 25" High
THe light is a 48" Metal halid light.
Some guy told me he found a 120 with metal halid, sump and all for 200 bucks so lucky!!!! hahah. But besides that hows the set up sound?
I also am excited i did my first buy from the web site from scottdl for blue zoos and AOG zoos!!!!