Ok...I just jumped in!


To this crazy hobby, and I can only dog paddle at the moment

I just bought a 29 gallon Oceanic Systems BioCube at the local fish store for a great price. My next step is to find a good place for LR and LS. But before I do that what else do you guys recommend I get for my tank? I want to get another powerhead for better flow...do I get one or two? and what model? How about an extra filter? I saw a light upgrade for the metal halides? Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance


Active Member
I think one powerhead will be fine. Do you have a filter already? I wouldn't upgrade on lights so quickly. It sounds like your tank isn't even ready to start running yet!
Just be patient and take it slowly. If you need a filter I think you should get one that has a gph of around 50. More water filtered wont hurt anybody. I am taking it that this is your first tank correct? Anyways good luck on your tank and hope I can help.


You are correct in assuming this is my first tank. It comes with a little filter built in. The fish store had theirs set up with an extra canister filter outside the tank in the stand. I know I shouldnt upgrade yet, but I have that problem and if I need to later, I would rather just do it now?
Hopefully I can get some LR and LS tomorrow and get it running. I will keep everyone posted as to the progress.


Active Member
What kind of corals, if starting a reef which I think most nanos are, are you looking at? Some require more light then others so get the tank up and going, start thinking of a stocking list, confirm it with others, and then upgrade based on the stock list.


So I went to the fish store the other day and got myself 30 lbs of LR and 30 lbs of LS. Added the sand the rock then put the water in. It has been running since 3pm Saturday and I was going to take some pics of the rockscape but this afternoon I decided to move the rocks a bit...so its too cloudy at the moment. I will take some pics monday morning and post them.
As for corals, I have no idea...but with the lighting I have I think I am a bit limited for the time being. I need the metal halide lights for the hard corals? Fish...who knows, being my first tank, what do you guys recommend?
What is the best way to cycle the tank? I got cured rock and put some in the filter area too, under the bioballs...the store said this helps cycle the tank a little faster?
Any ideas? Comments?
Thanks, Josh


Your welcome.
I really like your rockscape. Looks like you have a little passage way on the front leftside of your rock. The next step would to add a cleaning crew I guess. Have you thought about what your wanting to add?


The tank has only been running for 2 days..so I cant really add anything yet, or can I? I have not even checked my levels yet. The temp is pretty consistant at 79


Get your levels all checked and leave it running a little longer. I let my tank run for a couple weeks and then added a cleaning crew for my 12G. 2 black turbo snails, 1 astrea snail, and 4 blueleg hermits and they are all doing really well but that's just my experience.
Hopefully some other people will get in contact with you and let you know how they did there process as well.
Everyone seems really helpful on the board so i'm sure you'll get the information you need to create a beautiful tank.


Yea, the forum is really helpfull and all the replys are a great help. Just waiting for more suggestions/ideas from people. I know the whole cycle process takes time. But I am not a patient person by nature.


Ha Ha. I understand I'm the same way at times. I get so excited about adding new things that sometimes I forget I have to wait a week or so before I can add it into my tank.
I see your from Orange County. What part? I was born in Long Beach and grew up in Lake Forest.


Nice. I miss California so much, but after living out here in Phoenix for so long I don't think I could move back there.


Hey Wilson... moved my rock around some and added some flow. I started a diary in the reef section so you can check my progress...or lack of it.

vti eg6

Great job!!!!!!!
I'm also a SW n00b. I'm debating on getting a nano or just a nice size one for my niece when she gets here next month.
Keep us posted, I'd like to see more pics.


Active Member
I have a 29 bio cube. The only mod I have done so far is to ad a RIO 6hf pump where the original pump is. (350 gals per hour original is only 243), Added a 350 gph powerhead and widened the overflow slot from the fist chamber to the second. Took out all of the bioballs and put in a Sapphire Aquatics protien skimmer. Tank started 08-Jan-07. Have a highfin goby, shrooms, ricordia, zoas, torch, asst. hermits and snails, a peppermint and a cleaner shrimp. Everythin is working fine. Have not upgraded lights, no need yet.


Good looking tank! Great start. My suggestion is read as much as you can from different sources. There are some very helpful people on this site. :happyfish