OK I know alot of you do it so lets hear fish names.


Active Member
Trotter and Trix(cee) my 2 cinnamon clowns
Chich and Chong my 2 blue reef damsels
Myia my sailfin tang
Mandy is my mandrin draggonet goby
Brittney and Brice for my 2 percula clowns
Carpet for Carpet anemone
Pinky for my Pink tip anemone


percula clown-nemo

hippo tang-dory :scared:
stripe black and white cat fish i have 2- bonnie and clide they don't let each other out their eye sight

gold head cat fish i have 2- dirt and diver :jumping:
cleaner shrimp- Dr. do a lot, i have to hire him some help :help:
black banded shark- i haven't checked out his personality to name him yet :notsure:
purple lobster- clinch
15 dansel - the get along crew
foxface butterfly- shanks
3 sand shifter stars - larry curly ann moe
6 turbo snails- they have a turbo club were they do nothing when the lights come on as if they were made to chill in the sun light.
and of course my naso tang in memory of princess

april 3,2006 to may 15,2006


Active Member
I have tooooooooo many fish to name so I'm just gonna name my sw fish, not gonna even try with my fw fish....
Yellow Tang - Clairese
Humu Humu Trigger - Dolly
Naso Tang - Nate
2 Clowns - Nemo & Bozo
2 Green Chromis - Itchy & Scratchy
Green Mandarin - Lucy in the sky with diamonds
3 Peppermint Shrimp - Pepe, Comet, and Cupid
Bar Goby - Buehler
3 Large Hermits - Chuchi, Alfredo, and Marinara
Not even gonna try with unknown number of snails with more babies on it's way and tons of small hermits..... :happyfish


Active Member
Chloe- clown fish
Milo- clown fish
Langly Peterson- Lunar wrass
The Sweemors- damsels
Snoopies- my green chromises
Gra- Panther grouper
Mr. Yellow Fish- Yellow Tang
Steve- Flame Hawk
Oscar De La Shrimpa- Peppermint shrimp
Solomon- Long tenticle anemone

Yellow tail damsels
I don't remember the rest.


I don't have any fish in my tank yet, but I do have a couple of hitchhiker snails: Homer and swee'pea. Swee'pea looks like a little pea crawling around the tank. My mom has some pretty good names for her fish, though...I hope I'm not spoiling her fun by posting them:
False perc clown pair: Bozo and Cookie
Coral Beauty Angel: Sister Mary Angelica

Royal Gramma: Billy
Coral Banded Shrimp: Scampi

Gary, the Yellow Watchman Goby passed...
I think I got everyone!
Beth ***)


Clown: Nemo
Black Clown: Marlin
(granddaughter named Clowns).
Singapore Angel: Captain
Yellow Tang: Sunshine
Royal Gramma: Floyd
Bi-color blenny: Jack
Shrimp goby: Frog Face
large hermit :Kong
Colt Coral: Leroy


Clowns: Butch and Sundance
Six Line wrasse: Ping
Dwarf Flame: Tonsils (he was a gift when I got them out)
Lawm Mower Blenny: Brimley
Royal Grammas: Uno (he was first fish in tank)
Emarld Crabs: the hulk, oz and kermit
And my favorite.......my sea star is ELVIS, because he is a star!


well -- had to clownfish, orlando and rosalind, but they died...
hermit crabs, never named them...
3 nassarius snails have become the 3 little pigs, because when I feed, and if they are buried, they like pop out of the sand really fast and start zooming around the tank..
my surviving damsel (i lost two, i'm not a murderer, just trying to get my new tank started! :notsure: ) -- is Sol (pronounced "sole" because he is the "sole survivor" , and a horrible pun on "soul")


Originally Posted by cyrusmekon
Hmm let me see
Flame hawkfish: Al (Pacino cause hes the boss)
Foxface: Gonzo Not sure why, it fits
Lawnmower blenny: Dyson (after the bagless vacuum cleaner)
pair of clowns: Unnamed and trying not to call them fish & chips
Mandarin: Sean (after Connery)
I actually have a Dyson! They're great!
Emerald Crab => Emeril (I like to cook)
Six Line Wrasse => Sassy Wrasse
Other inhabitants are hermits & snails. Haven't named them yet. I'll be getting some new fish soon : )


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
hmmm.... lets see:
-Orange spotted diamond goby named Osama (he digs holes to hide in)
-had a snowflake eel anmed Kim Jounge Eel
-a moroon clown named Nepoleon
-a pink spotted watchman goby named Coby the Goby (got the name from a previous owner and decided to honor the name)
-a pair of ocellarus clownfish named christian and alli (my name and my gfs.... call me a sap... whatever. i thought it was cute)
-had a phsycodelic mandarin named Sid (as in acid). who never ate anything even though she was literaly crawling on pods... dont know why she died
-a valentini puffer named Rulf
-an unnamed fuzzy dwarf
osama cause he digs holes to hide in
yea, i dont name my fish for some reason :notsure:


i named my huma huma trigger PABLO. because he's a piccasso trigger and you guys know that painter: PABLO PICCASSO.


my 65 g names
2 clowns -Coral and marlin
Velvet Damsel- Razor,
yellow tang- Fiona
Lawnmower Blenny- Lenny
Baby Blue Hippo -Dory ( I am setting up a 210 for her in 1 week)
Marine Betta- Shrek
Royal Gramma- Jaws
Coral Banded Shrimp -Squiggy
2 Cleaners Larry and Moe, Curly died and was eaten by his brothers-- Gross!!!
Orange Linka Star- None other than Patrick
Then in my freshwater, I have named my 2 african frogs Fred and Frankie, and my Betta Bedo.
I think that is everybody.


Ok, I guess I will name everyone in my tank. Previously, only my dwarf lion and percula clown were named. lion-Mufassa, clown-Nemo (of course)
Lets see:
Long spine sea urchin-Ursula
Coral banded shrimp-Gunnar
Blue brittle star-Sadie
Yellow tail damsel-Darius
yellow damsel-Sunnie
Turbo snail-Phobe
3 Hermit crabs-Syxx, Zero, and Knox
haition anemone- Azaria
2 Condy anemones- Cordelia and Celeste
I must say I have athing with unusual names... :jumping: :joy: :jumping:


my regular ocellaris (soon to become the female) is Herbie. she was named this when i only had one fish. lol.
my black ocellaris is Moose. my roomie named him.
my skunk cleaner shrimp is shrimpy. lol. my roomie wants him to be sebastian, but i've been calling him shrimpy for such a long time, it's not gonna change. lol.


domino damsel= dots
4 striped damsel= zebra
2 green chromis= lost & found (we find one, lose the other)

perc clown= wags (looks like he wags his tail when he swims)

cleaner shrimp= whiskers (he's a murder tho
coral banded shrimp= bandit
we actually name 2 snails= fat one (he was HUGE) & piglet (really small, eats alot) :jumping:
then i named a hermit crab= killer (he ate fat one
and thats it for now! :joy:


Damsel #1 - Gill - Back to the LFS with him
Damsel #2 - Littlebit - See above
Clown #1 - Nemo
Clown #2 - Mopy
Lawnmower - Benny (died)
Yellow Tang - Sunshine
I don't name anything that cant swim. lol