OK Ill listen to reason

bang guy

I don't know the answer so I'll defer to one of the many Aggressive experts here. I just wanted to say that I know it seems like they have been picking on you. Many of us may have gone overboard but they really do care about your fish and they want you to succeed.
It's your tank and you can do whatever you want but you have a much better chance of success if you at least consider what experienced hobbiests are telling you.


I agree with bang that people here will try to help you as long as you act like you are actually listening to what is being said.
Social Behaviors:
Generally this fish is not aggressive. Just make sure he doesn't think any other fish are meant to be dinner.
---: Sexual differences:
Light: Recommended light levels:
No special requirements.
No special requirements. Normal temperatures for marine fish is between 74 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit.
Length/Diameter of fish:
Dog-faced Puffer or Black-spotted Puffer adults can grow to 40.0 cm (16 inches).
Minimum Tank Length/Size:
A minimum 100 gallon aquarium is recommended.** I recomend a 150 as these fish love to swim and are very messy eaters. **
Water Movement: Weak, Moderate, Strong
No special requirements.
Water Region: Top, Middle, Bottom
No special requirements.


Active Member
I wouldnt keep a dogface in anything smaller than 100-125 gallons. These guys can easily reach a foot in length. This site has a striped dogface (or Manila) puffer that, IMO, is a very under-rated member of the family. It doesn't get as big, is quite inexpensive and has all the puffer personality. They are really pretty fish; but I can never remember seeing a good pic of one.(The pic on this site is terrible, IMO; but I got the fish here and he's great.)I think this fish would be fine in a 75. It has the bad rap of, like most puffers, being a messy eater. But, I always have other fish that will get any leftovers anyhow; and the only difference between food that a fish misses and the food that passes thru him is the small % absorbed. A way over rated concern, IMO, but I know there is a strong argument on the opposite side.
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I don't know the answer so I'll defer to one of the many Aggressive experts here. I just wanted to say that I know it seems like they have been picking on you. Many of us may have gone overboard but they really do care about your fish and they want you to succeed.
It's your tank and you can do whatever you want but you have a much better chance of success if you at least consider what experienced hobbiests are telling you.
Thanks for that. And thanks to the other 2


yea, they are very messy eaters and you should have atleast a 120-125 gallon tank. they are very cool though.


Active Member
The smallest permanent tank for a dogface IMO is a 120. However I wouldn't suggest a 125 due to the depth only being 18" and the dogface not being one of the more apt swimmers. So a 120 or a 150.