Ok, I've hatched my brine shrimp, now what?


I have hatched my brine shrimp, and now i dont know what to do.
1. what do you feed them
2. how big should they get befroe you can use them as food
3. how much lighting, circulation, food should u give them?
Right now they are in a 5 gal bucket with 1.5 gallons of water in it, and im just puttin an airstone in there, i dropped a few drops of Phytoplex in there.
Anyone got any ideas?


1) With fine mesh net, scoop a small amount of shrimp.
2) place net in tank.
3) Position net as to release shrimp into tank.
4) Remove net.
Hope you have a big tank. The stage of life these when critters contain the most nutrition is right now, right when they hatch. That's why we cultivate them rather than buy them. We control when they hatch, and when we feed them... ie: right away.
Anywho... Getting into the habit of cultivating the proper amount of this food-type for your particular tank is a great thing to do. Let us know when you find your balance.


It may also be a good idea to rinse the shrimp (in the net of course) under fresh, running water before putting them in your tamk. I've heard this is a good preventative to keep from spreading disease.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrainRush
It may also be a good idea to rinse the shrimp (in the net of course) under fresh, running water before putting them in your tamk. I've heard this is a good preventative to keep from spreading disease.
This makes sense but have not heard that before. Anyone else hear that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TimO
1) With fine mesh net, scoop a small amount of shrimp.
2) place net in tank.
3) Position net as to release shrimp into tank.
4) Remove net.
LOL yeah feed em to your fish
the rest can just serve as treats until you hatch another batch.


I have read that you can fatten up your brine shrimp with a little V-8 juice. Just enough to pinken up the water.