OK need some info on a reef tank!


Active Member
ok what do u recomend me to do with my reef tank. i have had it for 4 months now and i love it. i have had a great time doing it. now i was wandering what my next step is. I have a great 29 gallon. i have ...........
3 hermit crabs
2 bristel worms (does a great job at cleaning)
1 yellow watchman gobby (1 inch)
2 perc clowns (1 inch)
15 pounds of fiji live rock (getting more)
a penguin 330 filter.
a nice heater
a 20w reef-safe 50/50, 20" 40w ,and a moon light
30 pounds of sand,
one comman anenemie(doing awsome/grown a lot!)
i want to know what i need in this tank. could u offer your opinio on what ui can add? that would be great. TRAVIS~


Active Member
I would add some snails and a fighting conch to clean up things in the sand. I might also concider upgrading the lights so that a variety of corals can be selected.


Active Member
Dacia made a good point. Upgrade the lights to maybe a 150-250w hqi pendant about 12" off the water with a 20k bulb, that would be really nice. Also I would consider a decent skimmer and a sump, also some more flow.


Active Member
i just got the light and it is supposed to be as strong as the ones u hang on over your tank. it is supposed to be able to support anything (exept clams and some needy corals) I realy trust the guy who sold me this because he has turned me down on stuff i want because im not ready for it.. he is honest and tests everything he sells. my light is VERY powerful and it is just as strong as the ones that my lfs selller has. i dont know alll thats in it atm because i just got it.
what would u say i can do with the little money i have? my lights are ok and i hope to get some cleaning/LR when i get some $$$. so is there anything i can do that is realy not THAT $$$. im still looking forr any suggestiond even if its TOO pricy. just let me know THX ~TRAVIS


Active Member

Originally posted by RUBBERDUCK
i just got the light and it is supposed to be as strong as the ones u hang on over your tank.

If you are reffering to metal halides then you are mistaken.
Originally posted by RUBBERDUCK
it is supposed to be able to support anything (exept clams and some needy corals) I realy trust the guy who sold me this because he has turned me down on stuff i want because im not ready for it.. .

Great that you trust the guy, but i do believe he is incorrect. Your lights are not strong enough for many corals.
Originally posted by RUBBERDUCK

my light is VERY powerful and it is just as strong as the ones that my lfs selller has..

Normal output lighting is not powerful i am affraid.