OK New Plans. What do you think of this?


New Member
I have decided to cut the lionfish from my 55! I know that will make a bunch of people happy including me as now I need another tank! LOL Anyhow, I want my darned Lionfish so what size tank would you recommend and tank mates please that would be ok with a Dwarf Lion? I only have 4ft of space left so please take that into consideration when recommending tank sizes! In other words, so not suggest a 250 gal as they are a bit longer than 4ft! Thanks!


Active Member
i would go with a 75, they are the same length as a 55 (48"), but are 18" wide, not 12. as for tankmates i can suggest eels (zebra, snowflake, goldentail), hamlets (blue, butter, shy, golden, indigo), maybe a trigger (one of the mellower species), a wrasse (lunare or any of the thalassoma genus), hogfish (coral, cuban [hard to keep], spanish). im sure there are more fish you could keep in a 75, im just having a brain fart right now and this is all i could think of. if i were you though and had that 75, id do the lion, hogfish/wrasse, and either a hamlet or eel (depending on what you like). but thats just me. bo


Deborah: you can get a 150g that is 48x24x30. I used to own one and it makes an excellent lionfish tank. I traded it out later on because I needed something longer for my sharks. But for lionfish it would work great. I had three adult volitans in there with two lunare wrasses bout 8" in length. They got along wonderfully.


New Member
Thanks for all your help guys! I would love to get a 150 gallon tank if I knew my floors would support it and if I could afford one! I was thinking more along the lines of a 75 or 90 gallon as both of these are 48" also. Leaning more towards the 75gal for now.