Ok now i am stuck cyano in fuge

zack schwartz

Active Member
My main tank is great, have a little cyano in there nothing to major, water clear clams doing great ect. My fuge on the other hand is one ugly thing!! Cyano grows like crazy in there, LS calurpa, pump bare bottome part all covered in it. My lights are 65k as calurpa like the lower kelivn, lights are on 12w hours a day but afriad to turn them down for the calurpa. Flow is my problem as well, there is little flow in the fuge, cause i believe the calurpa is not big fans of high flow.
So what should i do, just keep taking it out water changes what? I have delt with this manyt times but the fuge is just out of control.

nm reef

Active Member
I get cyano and hair algaes in my refugium all the time. Daily I use a net to remove what I can...plus I remove even more whenever I do a water change. I use a few small power heads(the free ones out of buckets of IO salt) to control it some...but there always seems to be some developing in the refugium. But did I mention that I've not had any at all in the display since I established the refugium! No cyano and very little hair ever establishs in the display!!Another of the possible benefits of a well established refugium...a pain to remove the stuff...but I'd rather battle it in the refugium than in the display...;)


Active Member
Hi Zack
Sometimes my fuge looks like a 5th grade science fair project gone bad.
Foamy crud, cyno and who knows what else growing in there along with the couple types of caulerpa.
Other times it clears right up.
I was concerned at first as well.
Sort of goes in cycles. Cruddy then clear. Seems to follow the cycle of harvesting the macros.
Still not sure exactly why this happens - but the tankwater parameters and critters always seem to do just fine.
Like NM - I also keep a small powerhead in the fuge to move the water around - but the actual flow in and out of it is relatively slow.

reef fool

Active Member
I have had cyano outbreaks in my fuge. It did seem to choke the colerpa somewhat, but it never showed it's ugly face in the display.
The only remedy I tried was a small powerhead. I used one of those free mini-jets that you get with Reef Crystals and set it on low flow. It seemed to help.