OK, OK...You win....100G Reef Tank - CHEAP!


Active Member
I don't get it, but not a lot of interest was shown on my 100G Reef Tank. It was well worth the money I was asking, but now I am moving and need to sell it quickly.
I am slashing the price! Anyone not interested in this is nuts!
Tank is drilled in left rear corner. Has sump and plumbing, skimmer, etc. For details, look up my last post on it.
It is loaded with coral, fish, critters, etc. Has MH lighting and VHO's...all the trimmings.
It pains me to do this, but I will now take $900 for this tank. That is literally half what I was originally asking!!!
I would be surprised if you found another complete system with everything this has for even close to that price.
Local pickup only in the Los Angeles - San Fernando Valley area. I can't ship. Let me know quick!


I live in the San Fernando Valley. Would you be interested in breaking up the tank and selling me the MH, skimmer, corals, fish. I don't need a tank and stand, but I might have a friend who would be interested. Let me know if you would like to work something out.


Active Member
If you have a friend that is interested in a tank, then perhaps the two of you can go in on it together and then break it up between yourselves.
Piecing it out right now can take time, which I don't have much of. I can't be left with anything. It can't go with me. I am moving out of state.
Most of the corals are attached to the LR, so that is in part kind of a package deal. And until the entire contents of the tank are gone, the skimmer is still needed.


I wish I had the space for this. When do you have to get this stuff sold by? I have a friend that might be interested, but he is out of town right now.


Active Member
All you need is just over 5 feet!
I need to get this done over the next few weeks at most.


5 feet can be hard to come by when you share a 1 bedroom with your girlfriend, a hamster, a 10 gallon tank, a 30 gallon tank, and 2 cats (not to mention all my crap).
My friend is going to be back on Thursday.


I'll be in Bakersfield on tuesday and wednesday, If your interested in selling some of your coral let me know.

yeffre kix

The pics in your old thread arn't showing since the upgrade. Could you repost pics of the livestock. I am just about ready with my 300gal set up and sounds like a pretty good start to my tank. Thanks.


Active Member
Sorry man...if you haven't set it up yet and can take it back, mine is still available.

shark bait

I think i just found the tank for my office. $900 hua. I live in San Diego Area and man it is tough when their is live stuff in the tank still to move it. And i can't put it in another tank. So drop me a line and see if this is even a task i want to take on. But price is right!!!


Active Member
You should be able to move the livestock from the tank....I have buckets you are welcome to take.
Others have moved tanks along with their contents even farther. Corals, rock and sand would be fine. Most likely, all fish would be too. It is I think around a 3-3.5 hr drive from San Diego. I've done one short move with the tank all ready, and everything was fine. Setting the tank back up everything should be OK...it would just be the drive, which again...I think is not too long.
You can pick it up as early as today if you want. I am also around tomorrow. I wouldn't recommend doing it in the heat of the day, but in the morning or evening you should be fine.
I can take paypal payments, cash, money order or cashiers check.
Email me at edwardssk@yahoo.com, or reply to this post.