OK, OK...You win....100G Reef Tank - CHEAP!


I always used the big rubbermaid containers with lids It works great to move live stock and some times battery operated bubbles. Maybe that would help.
If I lived closer I would buy it Thats a very nice tank.

shark bait

Thanks for the ideas. This weekend was to crazy and i am out of town the next 3 weekends. The drive is the hold back. I will not make you wait if you find some one with cash in hand. I don't even have a truck, so second issue. My eyes were to big for my brain on this on. I hope some one local can get this awsome set up. I wish i had more time!!!


Active Member
The tank is SOLD! It is now at it's new home in San Diego, and from what I hear is doing well so far. Moved it on Saturday.