OK. Right now, I HATE my Red Emerald Crab!


Active Member
Left for work yesterday morning, and noticed my new Red Emerald had set up camp just below where my BTA was located. Right in the center of the tank, facing forward - the best spot I could hope for!
I came home from work to find the BTA had moved! TO THE BACK OF THE ROCK WORK! So, now I can't see it from the front - only from the side. My Tomato Clown is not real happy with the new placement, and the stupid Emerald is sitting there in the same spot, proud as can be, having conquered the big ole BTA.
I can only assume the crab bugged it enough that it wanted to move.
I felt like letting the crab out of the tank to play with my cat! (Don't worry, I didn't.)
I have figured out how to get anemone's to move (corral them with current they don't like), but I want it back where it was! Waagh!!! :( And now I am worried that if I manage to get it to move back, the stupid crab will do the same thing again!
Any ideas, or otherwise sympathetic comments? ---I need a hug--


Active Member
I need to borrow a digital camera...I'll take a pic soon. It isn't bright red...more maroonish brown...blends in well with the LR.


Active Member
I had never heard of them until recently when a friend of mine got one...but I liked the idea...until he turned on my anemone! Grrrrr.......