ok, sorry but you guys are confusing me! (lighting)


Active Member
one more time (sorry)
i had to change the file format so i hope the pic isnt to disorted :rolleyes: (dont ya love technology!!!! :mad: )


Active Member
honestly kip, i dont think he is lying to me, he is not selling me anything. he has alot of experience and i talked to him for over an hour today. his main thing is water quality. he does not use ro/di he has a good well system (i dont) i think he counted approx a dozen fish in the tank, mostly tangs and a few others, pair of maroon clowns and such. he told me he had tried everylight out there and this is what works for HIM. not saying it will work for everyone else. he also stated that vho is the most forgiving light for the new reef hobbiest.
skimmer, l/r l/s sump, fans just the basics work best and definatly get rid of those bio balls!! :D
(of course some of his vho are actinics, thats a given)
i do LOVE the input!!!!


Active Member
being that i dont even have my tank set up yet i cannot compare it to anything. so if i do decide to go the VHO way, i will definatly keep you posted with pics. though before i get my first sps, clam etc.. is gonna be a little way down the road (patience :mad:)
what behind the sceen things do you think he has got? i will ask him
btw he does water chages once/mo and tops off every day with a gal or 2& uses that K... stuff drip (spelling :eek: )


Active Member
This is my thoughts.... If the AVERAGE hobbyist could keep sps and maxima's happy under VHOs then most people in this hobby would stay with VHOs. and that's all I have to say about that;)


Active Member
i totally understand what you are saying, as i posted, it might work for some and not others. but why is that really? (just came to mind) do some want more "gadgets" as in computers or even an oven and really anything in life? BIGGER is not necessarily better.
jmo (for now ;))
and again, just getting opinions
ps i cant wait to get this tank up and running!!


Active Member
Ok, what ever... But one last thing.
This Crocea Clam was kept under 440w of VHOs in a 55g. He was this way when I got him so I'm unsure how long it took or what he looked like before but this pic was taken 4-22-03


Active Member
This one was taken on 7-10-03 after being under MH for less than 3- months.
I wonder what this clam's opinion is?


Active Member
i am not claiming to be an expert here, that is why i am in the new hobbiest forum. please take no offence to what i say. i am not saying either is right or wrong. your 2nd pic obviously looks better than the first. why? i cant answer that
light? water quality? other fish he didnt like or didnt like him? i have not a clue, but thank you and belive me i am considering every option and as i have said before, i respect all opinions.
even the guy with the 180/VHO's said there is no way to cheat in this hobby.
thank you, i am getting down to the nitty gritty here ;) & welcome all opinons


Active Member
I'm not taking offence nor trying to offend:) just trying to give you all the info possible. I am not an expert but I can say that the reason this clam is improving is nothing but the light. I kept the 55... same setup, I bought the entire setup, clam, fish, snails and all. I kept that 55 for over a year. There was no change in the clam until I introduced the MH. I will get a updated pic, he is almost all green now. Good luck, and don't get me wrong... just trying to help ;)


Active Member
no offense taken :) & i do appreciate your help.
and i have seen your pics on other forums i browse and they look great!
i hope to accomplish what you have someday, but i KNOW it will take me a LONG time (with a new setup :()
thanks again,
Hey Cidy, you asked wher eI livein Florida. I live in fort Walton Beach about an hour to the west of panama city beach(panhandle) I believe Kip or reef nut said mose poeple place the chiller sin other rooms due to noise. I think this is one of the reasone but another thought was that they give off heat and it could be counterproductive to what you are trying to achieve with the chiller to put it in the stand under the tank. When I do the sps tank I am going to run pipe to the spare room and put the chiller in there.


Cindyski - I keep my chiller outside not for the noise but for the heat that it puts out. The wife was none to happy when she saw me take the jackhammer to the wall to plumb it outside. If you can you might want to find another location for your tank.:(
You really have to think it out , which it looks like you are doing. Good luck on this and it will save you money if you do it right the first time.