"OK" to add a Valentini Puffer?


I've recently lost my 5 year old foxface to blindess and am looking for a new "center" fish. I have a 65g bowfront tank that has been running for about 2 years. Within it are the following inhabitants...
.a clarkii clownfish
.a three-stripe damsel
.purple tang (at ease tang police, I am holding him for a friend until he upgrades his 30g to a 120g)
.An adult coral banded shrimp
.multiple hermit crabs and snails
I've researched these puffers and on most sites it says to "monitor with inverts". Will I be "OK" to keep a Valentini puffer? And what are the chances that it'll gobble up my coral banded shrimp?


ive had a valintini puffer in a reef before. didnt bother anything for me. but in a 65 gallon, i wonldnt think of it as a 'center' fish. they are pretty small, and dont really catch the eye.
i would say get a blue throat trigger, but of course, it would have to be temporary.


Originally Posted by Nemo_66
ive had a valintini puffer in a reef before. didnt bother anything for me. but in a 65 gallon, i wonldnt think of it as a 'center' fish. they are pretty small, and dont really catch the eye.
i would say get a blue throat trigger, but of course, it would have to be temporary.
Well...I kind of want a fish I can keep for a long time...
Is there any other puffer that I could keep in a 65g that won't outgrow it?


a spotted puffer i think. IMO they look nicer than a valintini, but i havent had any experience with them, and havent researched them, so i dont know if they are reefsafe or not..


Active Member
the hawaiian spotted puffer is a very bright puffer. doesnt mess with any inverts. reef safe. tons of personality


I think any puffer will make lunch out of snails and such....have yet to see a puffer not like the soft insides of a crunchy shell.
I had a valentini for the longest and it loved snails but would never bother anyone or anything else.


Had one killed my brain and a clam befor I could get him out.. I think each one has its own personality so be carful.


i had a valentini overnight....as soon as i released it into the tank it swam up to the closest hermit and ate it, so i returned it. i really like the look of them but from my research its 50/50 for them in a reef