ok to put macro in the overflow?


New Member
Planning the startup of my 125...again after 3yrs. drilled the tank and built a new overflow for it. probably went a bit overboard but it was fun. my question: can I make separate "chambers" inside my overflow and keep some sort of macros there? if so, what is the general consensus on the best type? ps plenty of led type lighting


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jshann7277 http:///t/396777/ok-to-put-macro-in-the-overflow#post_3535137
Planning the startup of my 125...again after 3yrs. drilled the tank and built a new overflow for it. probably went a bit overboard but it was fun. my question: can I make separate "chambers" inside my overflow and keep some sort of macros there? if so, what is the general consensus on the best type? ps plenty of led type lighting

Hi, welcome to the site....

As long as it has enough light, Chaeto would be a good choice since it likes to tumble in the water, and not be attached. It breaks up into tiny pieces when it goes sexual, that would be the only concern I can think of, since it would clog everything if it does..


New Member
would I still have the nitrate filtering attributes as with a refugium? and do I add this throughout the cycling process, or after the NH and NO2 zero out?


Well-Known Member
I can see a problem with that. You will eventually forget about it and it will clog yurt durso overflow if you let it get out of control. I also see it being a problem for collecting detritus. Macros take up nitrate and phosphates into their tissues, as well as many other trace minerals. The problem is that it takes a while for the solid waste, detritus, to break down into smaller parts, nitrates and phosphates. You will have to remove detritus out of your system regularly to prevent the rock from clogging and becoming less efficient for denitrification.


New Member
really appreciate the feedback guys! what about something like a red or blck mangrove that wont go sexual on me and easier to keep under control? _x_l______l x_/ <--------- in the part of the overflow marked " x" with drilled dividers for the middle section?


New Member
wouldn't the detritus be trapped in the sock filter before reaching the sump, providing no plumbing is clogged/restricted?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put mangroves in overflows. It takes too long to grow and doesn't remove doc as hick as a fast growing macro algae. I also would worry about the roots cracking the plumbing or worse - the glass.
Any overflow design that has deep water associated with it will have low flow zones which collect detritus. It should be stirred or removed periodically.


New Member
worth an ask, just my newbie brain reinventing the mousetrap. good info on the dead spots in the overflow, hadn't considered that, but makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with trying new things. That's how things get done.

Try new things. Some things work for some people and don't for others. I'm not telling you not to do it. I was just telling you my concerns.