Ok Today WAS the day New 29G at home!!! jy


The second one in your first ID post looks like some kind of pest anemone. I'd pull that piece of LR out and either cover him with some frag putty or inject him with boiling water. Here is a link to a site with a bunch of common hitch hikers link
If you want live sand you can get a 30lb box of live sand on ---- for like $40 shipped anywhere in the US and it will come with all the bristle worms and nass snails etc already in it. Take everything your LFS says with a shaker of salt. They are out to make a buck, so whatever they don't have to sell you isn't important and whatever they do have is probably more expensive than you can find it elsewhere.


Originally Posted by Clay12340
The second one in your first ID post looks like some kind of pest anemone. I'd pull that piece of LR out and either cover him with some frag putty or inject him with boiling water. Here is a link to a site with a bunch of common hitch hikers link
If you want live sand you can get a 30lb box of live sand on ---- for like $40 shipped anywhere in the US and it will come with all the bristle worms and nass snails etc already in it. Take everything your LFS says with a shaker of salt. They are out to make a buck, so whatever they don't have to sell you isn't important and whatever they do have is probably more expensive than you can find it elsewhere.

Thanks for the relpy.. Our Peppermint Shrimp took care of allour PEST!!!!...
We are aware we can buy stuff cheeper but you have to remember we are in canada not the USA where you can get it all for FREE!!!! We have bought some stuff over the internet, in Ontario and save a bundle.. but will get our fish and LR from the LFS... as they are the only ones out our end of town...


we getting our clown fish this week...
my GF (now fiancee since last night) is so excited.. good 24 hours for her and me



Active Member
Good luck with the clowns and Congrats to the engagment, tank looks awesome too. My clowns were prob one of the best additions to my tank. Even though they are very common they have a very comical personality, at least mine do anyway.


ya we can't wait .. tomorrow is the day.. saw them yesturday and they looking good. and even saw them eat and look all good. but what do i know about this...


Active Member
Originally Posted by imfsub12
ya we can't wait .. tomorrow is the day.. saw them yesturday and they looking good. and even saw them eat and look all good. but what do i know about this...
I would consider that all good. As long as your water tests are good and your acclimation goes smooth, IMO they will be as happy or happier in your tank.
Post pics when their in.


will do.. i want to go get them tonight but we are going out!! :(
but tommorro it is.. 11 am OH YES.. we are getting fishies....


Well 2 nights ago we desided to get a QT.. got a 10 G tank.. just in the cylcle right now does it stink in my apt.. I hate that smell.. AHHHH.. looks so tiny compaird to my 29 G..



we got our 2 clown fish today.. they look amazing...
what a great week.. got engaged, got our fish, and my fiancee parents coming in 2 hours.. what a great week
pics coming..
:happyfish :happyfish
P.S they are so happy they are exploring the tank. like they been in it for a while... YAHHH


well was in winnipeg.. and we went to an amazing fish store. and they make there own protein skimmers and sell them across the country..
And we got once fits on the back of my tank... we should see how it will work... should do wonders... as i reading.. will post some pics when i return HOME...


did you buy the HOB style one that looks like a bak pak? I was gonna buy that one but i dont care for the owner of the store so i go to another place on main st


ya i got the one that they make..(as it will fit on the back of my tank perfict) i went to the one on main. and like 4 time i was talking wtiht he fish dude and the some lady (i think the owner) like inturpted me it was rude.. and then i was asking someone else quesons about food and they just ignored me.. so i left..
so how big of tank to u have i have a 29 g... can't wait to get back to halifaxt to set it up.. all i can do is look at it in the box here and wonder what it will do to my water...