Ok what fish do you currently have


Originally posted by Pufferlover:
<STRONG>The wealth part we will leave undiscussed as my wife may see this sometime, and she would make me fish food if I admit how much this all has cost.</STRONG>
oh ya whoops!!! oh this hobbie isn't expensive at all!!!!! :rolleyes:
My 46 has the following:
1 Naso Tang ( will be moved to larger tank soon) 1 Coral Beauty,1 Halfblack Dwarf 1 Antennata 1 Tomato Clown/bubbletip anemone 1 manderin 1 cleaner wrasse and 1 Dragon goby that will be removed this sat due to the constant undermining of my Liverock. 1 open brain Coral and 1 Bubble coral :)
1 Tomato Clown, 1 Eibl Angel, 1 Yellow Watchman Goby, 1 Strawberry Dottyback, 1 Peppermint Shrimp, 1 Green Brittle Star, 2 Chocochips, Snails and hermits and whatever might be in the new LR that I have not seen yet.


Active Member
72 gal reef- 2 Clarkie Clowns & snowflake eel.
200gal F/O- Niger trigger, Huma Huma trigger, tomato clown, dogface puffer, Valintini puffer, small snowflake eel, Domino Damsel, pork fish & pair of golden head gobys.
Later Lisa
[ August 17, 2001: Message edited by: BLUEBERRYBOOMER ]


Niger Trigger (may be gone)
Lawnmower Blennie
2 Pajama Cardinals
Dragon Wrasse
Tomato(e) Clown
2 percs in the 10 gallon


125- Koran Angel, Naso tang, 2 clownfish, yellow tang, kole tang, and more to come
30g reef- sixline wrasse, clownfish,
10g- empty quarintine tank


Active Member
Really some great lists here. It is amazing the different types of fish each person likes and thanks to the current availability of so many types each person can find their own area of happiness. It just has never stopped amazing me how costly it gets as time goes on you think I'll spend less but in my case last year was my second most expensive year. But as I said before "hey it keeps me off the streets at night". Everyone enjoy your fish and good health to them.

nm reef

Active Member
Great varity so far....here is mine
55 reef---tomato clown..coral beauty..juv red coris wrasse..& jimi (the manderian)
55 fow lr/ls---yellow tang..6-line wrasse..mated pair of percula clowns..& a pygmy angel
29DDC(damsel detention center)......domino damsel& blue damsel


2 cleaner shrimp
1 coral bandit shrimp
1 blue damsel
1 4 stripe damsel
2 scats
2 firefish goby
1 domineo
1 koran angel
1 flame angel
too many crabs to count..
about 20 snails
all in a 55


kole tang, Flame angel,and a Baby hippo tang, they are all gonna be moved into my new 90gal once it gets set up and ages.
fresh water 20 gal
Africain side necked turtle, male and female bettas, and 3 adult platys. Anyone want platy babies ive got 50 of them? I am able to keep the turtle with fish because he is half blind :( (i named him stevey)
Red eared slider turtle (female)
7 gold fish that hide in the rocks.
She is very big and is going to be moved into my 55gal once the 90gal salt is done then stevey will be moved into the 29Gal
*comments welcome*


Active Member
2 false percs
snowflake eel
I had an urchin and a CBS but traded them in on a nice feather duster at my LFS last weekend. They were both getting too destructive.


Active Member
90 Gallon Fish Only:
Dogfaced Puffer
Yellow Tang
Huma Huma Trigger
Niger Trigger
2 Percula Clowns
Coral Beauty
Blue Devil Damsel
Tangman :D


I like this question :D
Naso Tang, Ocean Surgeon, Flame Hawk fish, Dragon wrass, 5 green chomis, blue devil damsil, manderine goby, maroon clown, gold stripe maroon clown, sand sifter star fish, 4 big feather dusters and a bunch of baby feather dusters, too many hermit crabs and snails to count. 2 emerald crabs and 1 sally light foot. 150lbs of lr all in 125.
29 fresh with baby Jack Dempseys and baby rubber eels.
Shel :rolleyes:


Originally posted by risc:
<STRONG>heheh.... does anyone really want to know :D</STRONG>
ya man do it and we can all drool on our key boards :D