ok.. what should i do with this ich i have... help please


ok well my black ocellaris clown has ich...... it is completely covering his body.... what should i do!? i dont have a qt tank
should i just do a freshwater dip!? if so how do i do a freshwater dip? i have a cleaner shrimp.... that i just added yesterday in hopes that he would get the ich off... but my clown or cleaner shrimp isnt showing any interest in each other... my clown is still eating and i was told that as long as my clown is eating.. the ich will not kill him!?
please help!!!!
:help: :help:


freshwater deep are generally not effective for ich. if your fish cover all ich so if you ask the ich can kill him. try to get a small tank to quarantine him.
p.s : if you have more fish in the tank you need to watch on them because maybe the infect to...


Active Member
Ok, here's what you may (can try). Go to store, buy a $10 10gallon tank. Put water in it from your DT, get a small heater, and a small filter (pengiun bio-filter), put your fishy in there, and slowly start to drop your SG. QT shouldn't cost you more than $40. Thorw in a small piece of LR and some LS also. SHould set ya up.


Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03
is it true though that as long as he keeps eating... he will be fine and beat the ich?
why to take risk if you have more fish in the tank they will infect sooner or latter more then that even he eating food with all the vitamin all the day he will not cure from the ich that he have now (you said he cover all his body) the right things is to treat the fish with hypo in QT and as said before this post it's not cost a lot.


Active Member
Alright, let me try to sort this problem out for you.
Freshwater dip is NEVER a good idea unless you have a sterile quanrantine tank running and cycled.
What do you have in this tank? Fish, inverts, live rock, coral?
What are the water levels?
What are you feeding the fish? Are you using garlic and vitamins?
If you can eliminate what caused the ich to attach, and then get the fish to raise it's immune system, it is true that the ich will fall off the body of the fish. You need to answer my first three questions first so that we can figure this out.


New Member
My setup for a QT is one of these: http://www.*****.com/Assets/product_...083820092B.jpg
They run about 8-10 dollars at a *****, most of them have a hole in the top for running airline tubing in. Throw in a few small pieces of rocks to give the fish some cover, and use a disposable sponge/carbon filter along with a heat source. I generally leave mine empty if I don't have a good reason to QT a fish.